And he returned his gaze to the dance floor. Jamie watched in disgust as Donald licked his lips, knowing he was looking at Amelia. His fists clenched in anger, and he had to take a deep breath to stop himself from crushing his cousin’s skull against the wall.

He tried to speak with a confident air. “Will it now? Och cousin, can we not live as friends? Our fathers were brothers after all, and ye never saw two siblings who loved each other more.”

Donald didn’t reply and simply pointed out to the dance floor. “Who is this new lass?”

Jamie didn’t have to turn around to reply. He spoke slowly, his voice lowering. “She’s a Sassenach, come tae act as companion for me ma.”

“A Sassenach? My, my, she sounds like a dangerous woman. Jamie Kinnaird, what foolishness is this, allowing an English woman tae reside in a Scottish laird’s castle? The pressures of lairdship affecting yer sense?”

Donald smiled, showing his wine-stained teeth. He stepped forward, seemingly to approach the dance floor. Jamie turned to see that Amelia had left to speak to Fiona, face flushed, pieces of blond hair coming out of her bun to frame her face, which held a big, beautiful smile. Jamie felt a pressure building in his chest as he remembered Donald attempting to move in that direction.

Jamie turned his head back to his cousin’s face and placed a finger in the middle of Donald’s chest. He lowered his voice to almost a growl. “I wouldnae be doing that, lad.”

Donald scoffed, “And why not? Och, did ye want the lass for yerself, is it, along with everything else?”

Jamie leaned closer and pressed his finger harder into Donald’s chest. “‘Tis me ma’s friend and my employee, and so she’s under my protection.”

“Ha! A working woman, protected by the laird? How very unusual.” Jamie’s eyes narrowed, and a flash of fear crossed Donald’s face, but only for a moment. Suddenly, Jamie felt a hand on his arm.

He turned to see his mother. “Jamie, dear, please do make an attempt at civility with our guests and family. Hello, Donald.” Donald bowed his head to his aunt. “Hello, Aunt Fiona.”

Fiona grabbed Jamie away to move to her other guests, and Donald slipped out of Jamie’s grasp.

“Jamie, do come speak to your great Uncle Barra. He really wants to hear more about your land project plans, and I’m afraid I couldn’t explain it very well.”

Jamie replied, “Of course, ma.” And he took her arm in his. But, his eyes followed Donald’s movements closely.

While Jamie spoke to Uncle Barra about his plans for the upcoming Spring to cordon off the grazing pastures, he saw Donald make his way to Amelia’s side as she sat with her back against the long wooden table, sipping her wine, and enjoying the merriment.

He turned away for just a moment, and when he looked again, he was just in time to see both Donald and Amelia disappear down a side corridor and out of sight.