Chapter Twenty-Three
Amelia’s tears would not cease as she began to pack her belongings. She decided to leave all the gowns that Fiona had made for her, and only take what she had come with. That’s what she deserved for her foolishness and betrayal. She didn’t know which emotion she felt more, anger or sadness or guilt. It all raged through her, building every second, and her tears were the only way she could release them to free herself from some of the edges of pain.
Marianne and Fiona quietly knocked before entering the room, not saying anything. Amelia turned to them and burst into a fresh round of hot tears. Her bag being packed as she had only a few belongings, she went to sit by the fire, and she put her face in her hands. Fiona sat beside her, and Marianne stood behind her, her hands on her trembling shoulders. Fiona began, “My dear Amelia, please tell me what has occurred. I hate to see you in such despair. I’m afraid I don’t understand Donald’s speech.”
Amelia tried to slow her sobs and calm herself in order to explain herself to her employer. “I am sorry, Fiona, for everything. But, Donald is right...mostly.” She moved her hands from her face to look at Fiona’s worried expression.
“I...I am Lady Amelia Parker, and my father is Lord Jonathan Parker. Before we came to Scotland, he was taken to debtor’s prison and revealed that he has gambled away all our debts. We were sent to live in the cottage where my mother stays, and I needed a way to earn income.” Here, she began to cry softly again, but soon recollected herself.
“That was when I heard from Mrs. Fletcher that you were looking for a companion, and so I applied.” She reached out to touch Fiona’s hand. “I was so grateful for the job, and I have loved every minute of being here with you and your family.” She removed her hand and looked down to continue with the rest of her story.
“Recently, I received word from my father that his debts were far worse than before imagined. I was desperate for money to rescue him from prison, as my mother was desperate for his return. Donald overheard my frustration at this news in the library, and he offered a solution. He told me he would pay me if I helped him. It was around the time that I learned about Jamie’s bet, and in a rage, I signed a contract to assist Donald. Donald told me it was for the good of the clan, and I had hoped it was so, although I confess that it gave me a bad feeling. I tried to get out of it, but I was desperate for money, and he threatened to tell everyone, which he did, although he left out some parts. And now...Jamie is no longer laird, and it is my fault. Jamie will never look at me again, and he will hate me.”
She covered her face again, and Fiona paused before clasping Amelia’s hands with her own. “Amelia, I wish you would have told me of your troubles. We could have provided more help for you and your mother.” She smiled. “I knew you were a lady the moment I met you. But I didn’t want to pry into your personal life.”
“But what about the lairdship? What will you do? Where will you go?”
A flash of anger crossed Fiona’s face. “Donald is not so callous that he would oust his own aunt, not if he wants to keep the clan’s loyalty and respect. As for Jamie…” Her eyes lowered with sadness, “I have seen him ride off, and William has come to tell me of his departure.”
Amelia sighed, allowing the feeling of guilt wash over her. Jamie was gone. He was right to leave. But, she would never see him again. Her heart broke with the thought.
“As for Jamie’s feelings about you, he is in love with you, Amelia. He could never hate you. He only leaves to cool down and think about what has happened.”
Amelia shook her head. “I do not think so. How could he love someone who has betrayed him in such a way and taken away his birthright? He thinks that I took money just for myself. No, it is not possible. I must go.” Amelia stood up to grab her bag.
Fiona stood, her voice trembling, “Go?”
“Yes. I will go to my mother, and we will make plans to leave.”
Fiona’s worried expression returned. “No, Amelia. You do not need to leave. I will help you.”
Amelia turned to her. “I have been shamed in front of you, Fiona, who is like a second mother to me. I cannot, in good faith, stay. I hope you can forgive me for my actions. I am so very sorry.”
Fiona cried out, “Amelia, ‘tis people who matter, not titles and lands. Jamie knows this as well.”
Amelia didn’t respond, and she bid Marianne to come with her.
“I am sorry, Fiona.” She hugged the woman tightly, and then left, with Marianne at her heels.
As they were leaving, a dressed William approached them in the hall. “Amelia…”
Amelia began to cry again and hugged William as well. “I am sorry for what I did, but I am leaving now, with Marianne.”
William’s eyes went to Marianne, and Marianne begged Amelia to go outside. “I will join you in a moment.” Amelia responded.
Marianne cleared her throat. “Mr. Fraser, if you would be so kind as to help me make arrangements to bring my trunk to Lady Parker’s cottage, I would be most grateful. Margrete will assist you.”
William sputtered, “Of..of course, but what the bloody hell is going on? I donnae believe that Amelia would do such a thing.”
“There’s no need to swear, good sir. I can understand your speech perfectly well without it. I’m afraid she was duped into believing something, and she does so to save her father from prison. Lady Kinnaird knows everything. But, I must attend to my friend.” She nodded to William’s surprised face, and then she left to follow Amelia.
* * *
Jamie rode hard and fast, hoping the wind would wash away everything that had happened. Amelia? Donald? Not the true laird? He couldn’t make sense of it now. He was hurting too much and feeling everything all at once. Donald’s desperate plea for power and control, the truth of what his father had done, and...Amelia’s betrayal. Did she really need the money just to become a wealthy woman again? Was everything that had happened between them a lie?
He rode towards the sea, knowing the only place he could find peace was at the cottage by the water, and Faolan knew the way. He was no longer to be the laird, and he would no longer have Amelia. She did not want him. That he knew now. Why else would she have done such a thing and worked with Donald, the most reprehensible creature in the world, to bring about his demise? He couldn’t connect the smart, loving, caring, sexy Amelia that he knew with this new Amelia, the cold traitor who only desired wealth.
William had tried to make him stay, to fight, to discover the real truth, but he couldn’t. He knew it was cowardly, but everything in him had screamed “leave, leave!” He had no fight left. He left his mind fall into the thumping rhythm of Faolan’s hooves over the ground.