Suddenly, Fergus began to slap Liam on the shoulder. “Get up, lad, get up!”

“What?” Liam said, annoyed, as he sat up to look out over the water. “There is a boat. So?”

Fergus pushed his shoulder. “’Tis a boat, aye, but do ye see who steers her, and they are coming this way?”

“Who?” he squinted his eyes. “A man. Nae, I cannae see who it is.”

“Bloody Hell, ‘tis a good thing we have nae ye on the island watch. ‘Tis John Campbell, and he rides this way with an expression as angry as death on his face!” Fergus got up and nearly started dancing with glee.

“Och, I knew today would be an interesting day. This will take ye out of yer funk, lad, right enough. Give the man another beating, will ye?”

Liam did feel the renewed urge to pummel John Campbell into the ground, but there would be no point to it. It would not give him Elizabeth and would not take away the kiss that John took from her. Nothing would change. He wouldn’t even feel better after the first few moments after punching him.

Liam stood up, brushing his hands together. “Nae, I shall do nothin’ unless he fights me. I wouldnae wish tae bruise Elizabeth’s soon-tae-be-husband.”

Fergus scoffed in disapproval. “Och, ye are disappointing, lad! Come, fight away. It will feel good, and it will make ye feel better. I promise.”

Liam pushed Fergus away. “I shall fight ye if ye dinnae keep quiet.” The boat was nearing, and Liam could see that John was the one in the boat, rowing quickly towards shore. Liam’s shirt had blown away closer to the forest, and so he stood bare-chested, his arms crossed as John approached, his fists clenched.

“What is this, lad? What have ye done?”

Liam’s voice was stark and angry. “What do ye mean? I have done naething. Why come ye in such a state of fury?”

John shook a piece of paper that was in his hand. “She has written to me. She has told me that there can no longer be any engagement between us. What have ye done?” John pointed at him, and Liam could see the man’s eyes were filled with fire. “How have ye taken her away from me?”