Chapter Seventeen

Elizabeth wasn’t sure what surprised her more. The fact that John had kissed her or the fact that she did not immediately push him away. It was similar to the feeling of the previous evening, where she had clasped onto Liam’s hand and pulled him towards the stairwell, but there was something else in it this time. She was worried that it was borne out of sheer fatigue and fear of what John might say next once they pulled apart.

John’s arms were hugged around her tightly, and he held onto her face. In his kiss, she could feel the slight bristle of an unshaven beard on his skin. He smelled woody and leathery like he had just finished working, and once the smell filled her senses, she found she rather enjoyed it. His lips were different than Liam’s, a little thinner, but they were strong yet gentle.

His mouth opened and begged hers to do also, and she did, allowing him to gently explore her with his tongue. She timidly explored back, not wanting to think about the wantonness of it all, to kiss a man in broad daylight once again! She suddenly felt lifted up off the ground a little, John’s arms around her waist, holding her firmly. His kisses took an even more sensual turn, attempting to strum at the strings of her desire. She imagined that she would not be opposed to his lovemaking, but she knew it would not be right to continue, not with what she knew now deep inside of her.

Elizabeth pulled away abruptly, and John looked down at her with surprise. His blue eyes were fiery, and he was attempting to catch his breath. Elizabeth’s mouth was swollen, especially after feeling her way along the stubble surrounding his lips. His husky voice said, “I am sorry, lass. I shouldnae have kissed ye as I did. It was nae very gentlemanly of me. I just couldnae contain meself there for a moment.” He released her from his grasp, and she took a step back.

Elizabeth blushed and wished she could look anywhere else but at his face, a heavy mask of desire when her own had so quickly cooled. He continued, “However, I am afraid that if we continued, something more would happen, and I dinnae think it wise. Nae yet.”

Before, Elizabeth would have wondered with curiosity what the man could have meant, but now, she blushed even more, feeling a slight pang of guilt that she did know. She knew very well what he meant. The image of Liam’s thick member standing erect came to her mind, and her core tingled at the memory of it being inside of her, bringing a wave of pleasure to her body.

She smoothed her hands down her dress. “Of course, John. I do not hold it against you. You are entirely forgiven.” She tried to smile. What else could she possibly say to the man standing before her, his eyes full of lust and affection?

Unfortunately, she realized she did have to be grateful to John for his boldness. He had helped her complete Charlotte’s advice. She had now been able to compare John’s kiss and touch with Liam’s, and even though John was looking down on her with pleasure and satisfaction, she knew now, deep in her core, that John’s kiss had come up wanting. It was Liam she truly wanted and more than just physically.

“I am glad for that.” John lifted his fingertips to her cheek, and Elizabeth nearly wanted to cry. But instead of revealing what she’d discovered in her words or in her expression, she pulled John’s arm and slid hers through it again.

“Come, let us return to General Andrews. He will be wondering about us, I am sure, and we can help him decide as many party matters as he wishes to discuss.” John nodded, seemingly satisfied with her answer.

She was grateful. This was not the time to talk about it, not when her heart was beating wildly with her new knowledge. It brought a wave of new emotions and new concerns… new thoughts for the future, new little seedlings of hope that she would not cultivate. Right then, she had to shove everything aside and proceed normally, or as normal as she could. Back at the Fort, they had other matters to attend to, and she would have to play the perfect guest until she could leave tomorrow morning back to Duart and back to Liam.

* * *

Dearna burst into Brea’s room at the madam’s house, trying to catch her breath. Brea was in front of her looking-glass, washing her face. She yelled out, “Dearna! What if I had a customer?”

“This early? Surely not.” Dearna waved aside her friend’s remonstrances. “Brea, there is news. I saw something with my very own eyes that I knew ye had tae hear about!”

Brea turned, her head slightly bent, watching Dearna with interest. Last night had been only a slight success. She had been able to dampen at least some of Liam’s hopes for Elizabeth, if not hopefully erasing them altogether. But with this new news, maybe there was hope for more?”

Brown-haired and doe-eyed, Leyla peeked into the room and crossed her arms. “What is going on here, ladies? Some new gossip tae discuss?”

Dearna pulled Leyla inside. “Leyla, ye will want tae hear this too. Brea, ‘tis of the bonny lass ye spoke of, who was taking Liam from ye, or so ye thought.”

Brea threw Dearna a dark look. She wished her friend and colleague would not be so free with her personal information. “Go on, then, what about it?”

Dearna took a deep breath and looked at them both. “Well, there is bad news, and there is good news. I will let ye know both, but ye have tae understand that first.”

Brea was losing patience. She placed her hairbrush down on the table and turned fully around to face Dearna. “Come now. We havenae all day tae listen tae yer prattle!”

Dearna grimaced at her friend. “Well, I just saw something this afternoon, and I was so shocked that I stayed longer tae watch, just tae make sure I had the information correct.”

Leyla and Brea looked at each other and then said in unison, “What?!”

Dearna folded her hands on her lap to contain the words from flowing out of her rapidly. “I saw that lass of yorn and John Campbell kissing in the woods as if there were nae days on Earth left tae them!”

Brea paused, trying to digest the words carefully. She turned them over and over in her mind, wondering if it was possible. “So, it is true? My plan worked?” Her excitement was budding. Surely if John and Elizabeth were joining together, Liam would have no reason not to return to her. She could have Liam to herself again and be rid of that Sassenach once and for all.

Dearna clapped. “I do believe so, in part. It was the strangest thing I ever did see. He kissed her, and while she had looked surprised at first, she seemed tae really enjoy it!”

Brea grinned widely, but she noticed that Leyla was frowning. Leyla said, “So is this the woman keeping John from me bed, then? I dinnae see why ye should be cheerful about such news. She has stolen a bedmate of mine, a good one at that, and who paid handsomely and was handsome enough himself!” Leyla crossed her arms even tighter.

Brea didn’t care. It was working. Simple enough. Liam would come back to her, and she wouldn’t have to think about a life without him. She knew that they couldn’t do anything normal, but she hoped that perhaps Liam would come to have an affection for her. Could he one day take her from this world and into a new one? She couldn’t stop smiling.

Dearna watched them both for a moment and then said, “Aye, but remember there is other news. Now, this I didnae see with me own eyes, so who knows of its truth, but I thought I ought tae tell ye anyway.”

Brea tensed, afraid the new words would spoil the plans she had slowly forming in her mind. “Tell me.”