“Nae, Fergus. I willnae take a woman. A woman wouldnae have me in this state anyway. Even ye can see I am nae use tae anyone.”

Fergus and Liam stumbled their way through the forest, their sacks heavy with the game. “Well, ye can at least find a room tae rest in, perhaps cloud yer busy mind with drink for a while. I think Brea is most likely still on Mull, pining after ye.” He was smiling, but the joking tone was gone from his voice.

Perhaps Fergus was right, and an illness had claimed Liam, leaving him dazed and listless. Liam nodded. “Aye, let us hope so. I dinnae think I could bear tae see her, nae when she has shown me her jealousy and wishes tae try and entrap me.”

Fergus merely nodded, and they walked to their destination. Liam was eager to let go of his load and take a drink, as Fergus suggested. He would leave Fergus to his pleasures and enjoy an evening of thinking, for, with each step he took, his thoughts were taking on new forms and moving in new directions.

At the inn, the innkeeper greeted them kindly. They could leave their catch in the cold cellar as usual once they handed the owner a coin. Fergus left promptly for the brothel and left Liam on his own by the hearth, a cold ale in his hands. He felt a small comfort in that. For once, he would not be ordered about or distracted by a woman’s presence or needing to entertain. He could simply think and think all night if need be.

First of all, he barely knew Elizabeth. He knew that she was bonny, kind, and intelligent and that her father was a complete arse who changed the Campbell clan forever. She had been somewhat timid upon first meeting, for who would not be with such a father? But since she saw her bright face at the wedding, smiling up at him as they danced, he had thought of her. It was sometimes in anger and sometimes in lust, but he had thought of her constantly and had even banished thoughts of all other women, even when he tried desperately to turn his attention to others and flirt with him.

Charlotte was right. He was jealous of John Campbell, and the way he had so boldly told Elizabeth of his intentions. What if John would ask her to marry him, and she accepted? What then? He let that feeling slide down into his belly, and he didn’t like it. He couldn’t quite decipher his own feelings, but he knew that that would not do. He would not be able to bear to see Elizabeth wed another, not when he longed for her in a new way he’d not experienced before. He wanted to explore it further to see what more there was.

That’s why he had asked her to walk with him as well, but after their kiss, they hadn’t had another moment alone to see if he could ask her again. She seemed to enjoy his flirtations in the Great Hall when John was by her side, but she had always seemed to enjoy his flirtations to some extent. That did not mean she was willing to take time out of her day to be with him.

Liam took a large gulp of his ale as his thoughts solidified to resolution. If John was his rival, then by God, he would do his best to try for Elizabeth. He needed to at least see if what he felt for her was real. He saw a figure stop in front of him, and as he lifted his eyes, his stomach filled with dread.

Looking down at him with lifted eyebrows and a stare that could kill was Brea.

* * *

“Charlotte?” Elizabeth found her friend in the library, searching through a pile of books in front of her on the wooden desk and scratching out notes in a nearby notebook.

“Yes? Oh, Elizabeth! Welcome back. How was your ride this morning? I do hope it was just as pleasurable.” She winked, and Elizabeth sighed, sitting in front of her.

“Unfortunately not. I was accosted on horseback by a prostitute from the brothel on the other side of the water, while I was attempting to enjoy another one of Mull’s splendid views.”

Charlotte closed her notebook and clasped her hands over the desk. “Now this bodes interesting. Tell me more.”

Elizabeth twisted the ring on her finger. “I forgot to mention yesterday that Liam’s and my kiss was interrupted by possibly the two worst people it could have been interrupted by.”

Charlotte was already grinning. “By whom?”

“Fergus and this self-same prostitute that accosted me just now. Her name is Brea, and she apparently has been Liam’s choice whenever he has chosen to,” she coughed delicately, “visit the brothel.”

Charlotte’s eyes were wide. “I see. My, my, this is a far more interesting day than I expected it to be. What did she say?”

“She said that I should stay away for Liam could not give me what I wanted.”

“What is that?”

“She assumes I meant to kiss him to gain a husband.”

Charlotte frowned. “Hmm…Well, it is obvious that there is some sort of jealousy there. I would not pay her any mind, Elizabeth. I have met many a woman like that in London, and some of them fine ladies. They will always try to tear another down if it means they can get the man they want for themselves.”

“Do you think that she loves him? I mean, she is a prostitute, a fallen woman, who is with a different man night after night.”

Charlotte nodded. “It does seem strange, but as I have said before, Liam is a kind and charming man. You have feelings for him too. Why should she not?”

“Do I?” Elizabeth blushed a little.

“It is so plainly obvious. But I still think you should spend more time with John as well. No need to make a hasty decision. Since I had lived in London and was allowed to attend balls and the like, I could see and spend time with all manner of men. Once I met Angus, I knew that I wanted him because he was so different from the others, and he brought out something different in me. You need more experience with men to help you make the best decision. You do not have to wed anyone if you do not wish.”

If only she knew.

Elizabeth thought for a moment about her aunt’s letter and the dreaded life of entrapment she was potentially returning to in a few short weeks. She stood up. “I agree with you, Charlotte. I have a plan. First of all, has Liam gone over the water?”

“Yes, he has with Fergus. They will stay the night there if you were hoping to see him today. But why? What is your plan? Elizabeth, you will kill me with curiosity!” Charlotte leaned over the desk.