Chapter Nine

Brea sat in the bathwater of the Salty Pig, upstairs in one of their highest rooms. A storm had begun to rage outside, matching the state of her emotions. A maid was filling the bath anew with warm water while her friend, Dearna, was laughing. “And so, ye went tae find him, and he was in the arms of a different maid? After all yer tales of him, his commitment, and his ardor, look at him now!”

Brea bristled and stewed. “I didnae think it was so entertaining as that, Dearna, but I do believe it was very embarrassing. I had hoped…”

Dearna’s mirth lessened. “We cannae hope for such things, lass. That ye know. We are women of the brothel. We cannae afford tae have feelings when our bellies ache for hunger. We have been lucky tae have many customers, but do ye think it would help us any more if we preferred certain ones over others?”

Brea considered this but then said, “Are there none that ye prefer? Certainly, ye have younger men in yer client list that prove tae have much more tae offer than the older or, the sicklier gentlemen?”

“Of course,” Dearna was laughing again. “But none of them I would consider suitors. This is something ye will have tae figure out for yerself. So ye saw him in the arms of another woman?”

Brea’s chin was resting on her hands on the edge of the bath. “Aye, and she a beautiful Sassenach. I confess that I have nae seen a lass so delicate and bonny. It was the woman we met when we arrived on the coast. Ye saw her. She must be a guest of the castle. I know that the MacLean men have two English wives among them.”

“Och, she was quite bonny. A Sassenach, aye? And a lady? Well, then she will certainly nae go tae bed with him if that is what he seeks. Surely that is what he desires. Men always think firstly with their pricks.”

Brea nodded. “I told him as much. I also told him he would regret it because I could tell from the way he held her tightly that he did want her tae bed him. He will see it soon enough.”

Dearna sighed. “Brea, I think ye should let this be. The men of our acquaintance go on tae marry and have children and fall in love with others, even if they still do come tae visit us. They dinnae think of us in that way. Ye must find a way tae give Liam up.”

Brea grimaced. “Why should I? I have worked long, and hard tae keep him coming tae the brothel. I have naught else in this world but him. I will nae let a bloody Sassenach steal him from me, nae when I know that he could never give her what she wants.” Brea sat up in the bath, a new idea taking hold.

“Dearna, this is true, is it nae? English ladies must marry English gentlemen, or at least someone with money and status, someone like a laird.” Brea drummed her fingers on the side of the bath while Dearna watched her friend with confusion.

Brea continued. “Aye, a laird such as John. Remember we saw them taegether when we arrived. Perhaps he is interested? He did look very uncomfortable when I mentioned Leyla tae him as if he was trying tae hide that from this woman. Hmm…perhaps I can find a way tae turn the Englishwoman’s eyes tae John and away from Liam?”

Dearna shook her head and laughed. “I am certain ye will think of something, Brea, but dinnae say I didnae warn ye. ‘Tis a dangerous business getting mixed up with feelings and men. They think of nae one but themselves. The sooner ye realize that, the better.” Dearna left to return to business, and so Brea was left alone to consider her thoughts.

She could send a message to begin her plan. But to whom? And once she got Liam back, what was she going to do? What if there was another someone who would come along and take him from her again? That was not going to happen. If she was stuck in this life of selling her body to keep herself in modest comfort, she would want to experience it with someone she found halfway tolerable both in bed and out of it. She would think of something. That fancy Sassenach would have to find another man to wrap her arms around.

* * *

Elizabeth knew she hadn’t spoken in a little while, and John Campbell was staring down at her. “Lady Darling, how nice tae see ye again.”

Her voice spluttered into life. “Yes, of course! And so soon!”

She pulled back, feeling suddenly conscious of how high and shrill her voice sounded. John nodded and sat down. “Aye, Angus had a message sent tae me once he returned. He thought I could stay the night, and we could discuss our business.”

Angus nodded while Charlotte turned to Elizabeth with a mischievous glint in her eye. “You are most welcome, John. We were worried about our little dinner party of four. We are happy to have you join us to fill out the table.”

John grinned and began to speak to Angus about business around the clan. General Andrews was listening in to their conversation. Charlotte turned to Elizabeth and whispered, “He is a very eager suitor, I see. Do you not wish to consider him? I am certain your father would be happy to accept him as a match. Can you not see yourself residing in Scotland, the lady of a fine castle, like Julia?”

She could. She really could, and her father would be very much inclined to accept a wealthy laird as a son-in-law, but she would have to see. She hated being rushed into finding someone she had to spend the rest of her days with. What if his kiss paled in comparison to Liam’s? Could she live for the rest of her life with someone who did not inspire an ardor in her? However, John was handsome and had given her many exciting feelings, but she would have to spend more time with him to see.

Elizabeth replied, “I do not wish to place a trap for men, Charlotte. I thought you told me to enjoy myself on this trip.”

“And so you should! But would this not be a perfect way, at least, to punish Liam for everything? And you would also get the chance to see if John Campbell is someone that you might be interested in. By the way, we did not get the chance to talk about how your walk with him went…”

Elizabeth smiled. “Another conversation for another time, friend. I do believe we are poor table attendants.”

Angus lifted his glass. “Ye certainly are. The men can discuss business after dinner. Right now, we shall enjoy each other’s company. Julia has also expressed her wish tae be here, but she has taken dinner in her room, fearful that her sickness may take over her again.”

The other three lifted their glass, and Angus said, “To new friends.” John looked at Elizabeth for a moment, winked, and repeated, “To new friends.”

The rest of the dinner was spent merrily. They discussed the land, but Elizabeth was also called upon to talk about the state of England at the moment and how she could compare Scotland and England in terms of landscape. General Andrews assisted her in this matter a little. Elizabeth felt grossly lacking in her knowledge of the subjects, but her audience was kind and understanding, and she was touched by the great interest John took in each of her explanations.

At the end of the meal, the men were preparing to leave for the study to discuss other matters. General Andrews shook hands with Angus and John and then bowed to the ladies. “I must be off to bed, my dear. I am afraid that my body’s ability to deal with alcohol has left me in my older years. I am still recovering from your wedding!” Charlotte laughed.

“Good night to you, Father.”