Chapter Eight

Liam felt like he was in a dream. He thought perhaps he had fallen asleep at his cottage and should wake up now, even though the dream was more vivid than one he had ever experienced before. An angel had come to him, was kissing him, and tangling her arms about his neck as if she never wanted to let go. For a moment, his breath was caught in his chest, and he decided to tap his leg on the ground to wake himself up. When he did so, all he felt was the ground beneath his feet, and Elizabeth Darling was still wrapped around him in the waking reality.

Ye bloody idiot! ‘Tis nae dream!He scolded himself for even wasting one second of this incredible turn of events. He pulled her close, tightening his arms around her and opening his mouth to hers, savoring the fresh taste of her again.

To his amazement, this unpredictable temptress sighed a little with what he hoped was contentment, and he felt his blood wanting to go everywhere at once, especially centered down toward his manhood. He wanted to groan with desire as he felt the shape of her thin waist and the full breasts pressed up against him.

This timid mouse was suddenly the most desirable woman he had ever met with. Their kiss was passionate yet gentle at the same time, and Liam wanted to enjoy every moment of her sudden boldness. He supposed that she did accept his apology after all. The faint smell of mint filled his nostrils, and it made him want her even more, pushing his tongue forward into her mouth to explore even further. When he did so, she trembled slightly but then allowed him entry, moaning a little once more as their tongues dueled to taste one another.

“Well, well, well. There is a sight I never thought I would see.” Liam and Elizabeth froze for a moment, his hands on her waist. They pulled apart and turned slowly to see from whence the voice came, but Liam recognized it, and all the desire to make love suddenly fled his body and was replaced with a heavy dread when he saw Fergus. Fergus was bad enough, but it was not only Fergus who had rudely interrupted the amorous trail of his thoughts. He spotted a rather furious-looking Brea standing beside Fergus, her arms crossed.

He dropped his hands from Elizabeth’s waist, and he tried not to wince as she practically jumped out of his arms back toward the horse. “Excuse me,” she said breathlessly. “I should not—It was not—Good day to you.” Hurriedly, she mounted her horse, and without looking down at him or saying anything else, clicked the horse into full speed and fled down the hill as fast as she could. He was suddenly left with the two last people in the world he wanted to see right then.

Fergus was grinning, a sharp contrast to Brea’s reddening face. Liam boiled with anger. His best friend did not even have the decency to look even just the little bit shamefaced at having interrupted something so pleasurable; it was practically heavenly. He crossed his arms over his broad chest and stared him down. He didn’t even want to acknowledge Brea’s presence just yet.

“So, Fergus, what in the bloody Hell do ye want?” His voice was grim, but Fergus just kept grinning.

“Well, my friend, Brea came in search of me, now that Angus and I are back from the hunt, and I thought I would bring her tae the cottage, knowing ye were probably there, trying tae sleep off last night. Never in a million years did I expect tae find,” he coughed, “This.” Liam sighed angrily, but he knew that Fergus was right. Never in a million years had he expected Elizabeth to do that either, but now Fergus had gone and embarrassed the lass, and she would probably never speak to him again. Or kiss him, for that matter. Now that would be a terrible pity, and Fergus MacLean would pay for it. His friend was due for a good fist-pounding anyway.

Liam wasn’t quite sure how to respond. The best he could come up with was, “I see.” He coughed, turning his eyes reluctantly to his silent mistress if that was what she could be called. “Brea. I heard ye had returned tae the Isle for the usual work. Why have ye come tae find me?”

He knew the answer to that, but he hoped she wouldn’t be so silly as to express it. She uncrossed her arms, but Liam could see that her fists were clenched by her sides. “I have nae heard from ye in a wee while, MacLean. I thought perhaps ye had found another woman. And so ye have.” Her tone was biting and sarcastic.

Fergus slowly began to walk back toward the cottage. “Me duty is done here, lad. I shall leave ye alone.”

“If only ye had thought of that idea before!” Liam called after him but was only rewarded with another annoying chuckle.

He furrowed his brow, trying to think of a good response for his lover. “Brea, I have been busy of late. Ye know that I cannae always come. I know that ye have plenty of other men on the Isle who pay ye handsomely for yer services. Do ye follow all of them when they dinnae return?”

He knew he was a little harsh, but he couldn’t help it. His body felt empty and hollow without Elizabeth’s heated, passionate embrace. The whole delicious moment had been ruined by a woman who had been his previous lover but who made love to men for pay. It was her chosen profession, and so he had not understood her growing attachment in recent weeks. It had been a long time since he’d been planning to leave her, but now, this was just too much. It was the final straw.

Brea’s lips tightened. “Liam MacLean, I never knew such a heartless bastard. Ye know the kind of clientele I receive and how ye are so very different from them. I had hoped ye would be a regular, and so ye were for a while until this English witch has come tae take ye away. Tell me, does she do everything that I can do?”

Brea had a way of speaking that could make a more conservative man blush, but Liam was used to her ways. He thought back to the many pleasant evenings he’d spent with Brea, and she was skilled in many different and unique ways, but he never thought that would imply that either of them had an attachment to each other. He sighed. He had gotten himself into quite a predicament, and Fergus had been no help to him.

Taking Mrs. MacLean’s advice, he said, “Brea, I am sorry that ye have regretted me absence lately, but there is nae that I can do. I am required more and more, and now I am tae be a guide and assistant tae the visitor of Lady Charlotte.” He was impressed; that sounded a better excuse than he thought it would.

Brea bristled. “I suppose that was the guest then, nearly throwing herself ontae ye? Ye can tell she is a novice and nae used tae the ways of men.” She stepped toward him and traced a finger along his cheek and down his shoulder. Her eyes had changed from angry slits to smoldering brown coals. “Ye know that I can do more for ye than ye had ever dreamed of. Forget the lass. She knows naething. I can see she is a Lady. She willnae bed ye, ye know, and I know yer cock yearns tae possess it, but ye shall nae.”

Liam watched Brea’s manner. Her dark hair and sensual lips were enough to tempt any man, and he had been tempted many times before, but after the most passionate kiss he had ever experienced, her attempts to persuade him back to her bed seemed almost pitiful.

He pulled away, replacing his old expression of apology with a scowl. “Ye should go, lass. ‘Tis nae business of yers what I do or what the Lady does. Go back tae the pub and meet yer other customers.”

For a moment, he could see Brea waver, as if her mind was flitting between a renewed attempt to seduce or something angry to say. Instead, she scoffed with disgust and turned away. She called back to him, “Ye will return tae me, lad. Soon enough. That white English rose will nae give ye what I can give ye. Ye will regret it in the end.”

She stomped away, and Liam watched the back of her walk to the nearby cluster of buildings, far away down the hill. He was never so grateful to see a person go as he was then.

* * *

Elizabeth did not stop until she reached the safety of her bedroom and shut the door behind her. She laid against the hard wood, panting for breath, trying to reach equilibrium again. Her lungs were bursting, and her heart was racing, and she felt dizzy from it all.So much for finding a moment’s peace out in the countryside.

Opening her eyes again, she spied a steaming tub in front of her fireplace, and she thought that for once, the Heavens had smiled upon her. Rushing towards it, feeling the need to relax into the heated and scented water as quickly as possible, she spotted a note on the side table, with a filled decanter of wine and accompanying glass.

My dear Elizabeth, it read.

It is high time you spoiled yourself. I thought that you would enjoy a hot bath once you returned from your ride. I also hope that the sight of this beautiful Isle has given you something new to take hold of. It has certainly done that for me. We will meet again at dinner.
