Chapter Five

“Elizabeth, you must be sure to accept any invitation he offers you. This is your time away from home, after all.” Elizabeth felt a blush tingle up her cheeks, but she tried to focus and keep her gaze away from Liam’s surprised expression. She could spy Charlotte’s wink as she revealed the news to Liam.

“Yes, of course, Charlotte. He is a very kind man.”

“But he is a Campbell, ye know. That should count for something.” Liam’s voice was slightly gravelly as he replied. When Elizabeth turned to him, she could see he regretted having spoken.

Charlotte said, “Ah, but we have a sort of friendship now. Angus and Calum will not hear a word spoken against him. Without his brother Archibald in charge, John has become quite the respected laird of one of the largest clans in the country. It is an enviable position.” Charlotte looked absolutely pink with glee, and Elizabeth tried not to smile at her friend’s wickedness.

Even if she was unsure how much Liam would care about any of this information, it did excite her a little to see his own face reddening. Underneath his beard, one side of his jaw flexed a little, and it appeared to Elizabeth that he was attempting to hold back any further words.

“Well, let us go inside and see what there is to be found. I am certain your tea will be much needed here, Liam.” Charlotte grinned again, but Liam said nothing. She knocked on the door and was welcomed inside warmly.

“Lady Charlotte!” A middle-aged smiled widely as she opened the door. “Ye are most welcome, lass. Come please. I think that my boys and husband have too many ailments tae count. It is nae yet the lunch hour, but their groans have given me my own headache as well.”

Charlotte smiled, and the two of them entered the house with Liam standing outside. Charlotte introduced Elizabeth, and then she set to work, creating her own special mix of herbs as the woman bent over the fireplace stirring a pot of water.

Elizabeth looked around her. The home was very small, but it was neat enough and comfortable. There were two beds and a long wooden table. The beds were separated from the main room by hanging sheets, and Elizabeth could hear people breathing in sleep behind them. Jars and pots covered the rest of the room, along with chairs and a few blankets. The fireplace was the largest area. Elizabeth felt suddenly meek and out of place. She had never seen such a home. Her father would never have allowed her to see or associate with families that were not of their income level. She had always been used to tea rooms, ballrooms, large hearths, and a full library.

She clasped her hands in front of her, unsure of what to do. She was afraid that her face belied her discomfort, and she did not want it to appear as disgust. “Elizabeth,” Charlotte called. “Those herbs on the table. Would you be able to pull the leaves off of them and hand them to me?”

Elizabeth felt a wave of relief. Finally, something to do that was not gawking at her surroundings. “Of course.” She picked up the herbs in her hand and lifted them to her nose.Mint.It was fresh and green, and she plucked the leaves with gusto, glad to assist her friend.

Once she was finished, she handed them to Charlotte, and Charlotte added them to her pot of tea over the fire. Elizabeth leaned over and began to smell the fragrant mixture. It was refreshing and even a little spicy. Charlotte handed her the wooden stick. “If you like, Elizabeth, you may stir. Lara and I will get the bowls for the tea, to hand out to the suffering men.” Lara’s eyes crinkled with laughter.

Elizabeth knelt down and took the wooden spoon in her hands, watching as the herbs swished around and around, bleeding their bits of medicine into the water. After a few moments, Charlotte announced that it was time for the tea, and Lara began to spoon it out into bowls for all of the men, including Liam.

Charlotte handed one to Elizabeth, grinning once more with mischief. “Elizabeth, please hand this to Liam. Perhaps his company will not be so odious once he has been cured of his ailments. I could use a bit of laughter this morning.”

Elizabeth took it in her hands, enjoying the heat in her palms. “As if you have not had enough already,” she replied with a smile. Charlotte laughed and began to help Lara in waking up her men. Elizabeth took a breath and moved to the doorway, wondering what it would feel like to be so close to Liam again, looking him straight in the eyes after the moment they’d shared while both under the emboldening powers of alcohol.

When she came out, she saw him staring out at the Sound. She stepped closer, but he didn’t hear her, and she could admire both the strength of his figure and the beautiful view before her. The Sound looked even bluer from above, and it stretched almost endlessly before them. Through the haze, she could spot the mainland. Even though the natural view was stunning, her eyes kept turning to Liam’s back.

His red hair was blowing in the wind, and it brought to mind the image of fingers swirling through his hair gently and softly. He was still wearing his clothes from the night before, but in the daylight, Elizabeth was reminded of the width of his strong shoulders. Apparently, they had seen many battles, for their hardened outline could be seen under his linen shirt and waistcoat. He still wore a kilt, as it was custom to wear to a wedding, she had heard, and beneath that, she saw his strong legs, standing firm in his dirtied boots.

She remembered the day she’d first met him when she was dumbstruck by his manly beauty. The memory made her breath catch just a little, but she knew she could not dwell on it.Beauty is no reason to make a fool of oneself, she thought.Especially when a beautiful man is well used to such attention. I shall punish him as he deserves and not make him believe that I am simply putty in his hands like all the other women at the party.

She took another step, and a stick cracked underneath her foot. Liam turned quickly, and she could see his hand flash to his sword. Her eyes widened in surprise, but when he saw her, his expression softened for a very brief moment. Then, his brows returned to a furrow. “Och, sorry, Mistress. Ye scared me.”

Elizabeth was empowered by Charlotte’s plan of punishment. “I suppose it can be dangerous here. As you said yesterday, one can never know what lurks around the next corner.” She kept the cup in her hands, forgetting it momentarily, enjoying the way his eyes shifted uncomfortably.

“Aye, ‘tis true enough.” There was a silence, and Elizabeth did not feel that an apology was forthcoming. She held the cup forward.

“This is from Charlotte. I am merely your deliverer.” She blushed. “The deliverer of your medicine. Hopefully, that should help ease the pain somewhat.” Elizabeth wanted to stamp her feet at the way her voice sounded so gentle and caring. Why should she care about his pain? She would not appear weak. She refused to!

He held his hands out. “Thank ye. Ye both are a godsend. For the medicine, of course.” He cast his eyes downward and took the cup from her hands. Elizabeth swallowed as she felt the texture of his rough fingers sliding on her own. Once he had the cup securely in his own hands, she pulled away quickly.

A strong breeze suddenly rushed past them, and Elizabeth pulled the shawl Charlotte had given her more tightly around her arms. “The MacLean colors,” Liam said suddenly after he took a sip of tea. “They look well on ye, Mistress.”

Elizabeth felt her heart do a little flip at his compliment.No, this is exactly what he wants to do! Make me feel that he is charming and give myself to him!

Her plan to stay strong faltered at a new distraction. She could see a tiny scar at the side of his right eye.Why did I not notice that last night?She mused but then shook it off once again.

“Ah, thank you. Now, I must—”

“Mistress, I—” Liam said at the same time, but then stopped. They stood staring at one another for a moment. Elizabeth saw something flash in his eyes quickly, but then it disappeared.

“Elizabeth!” Charlotte called from the doorway, and both of their heads turned to her. “Ah good, you have given Liam his elixir. Charlotte crossed her arms. “How do you feel now?”