He smiled and leaned in to give her a soft kiss on the cheek. She closed her eyes at the softness of the gesture. John would be a good and kind husband to her.

“Safe travels tae ye, lass. God bless ye. I hope ye will write tae me when ye are tae return.”

She nodded. “Yes, certainly. I am sorry that our new engagement will be unable to be publicly announced until all is settled with my father’s living.”

“’Tis nae trouble. I wish only for ye tae be happy and comfortable. I will await yer return with bated breath. My heart will nae be happy until ye are settled in our home at Campbell Castle.”

Elizabeth could feel the tears building behind her eyes again, and she had to clench her jaw to keep them at bay. Thanking John once more and bidding him goodbye, Elizabeth slipped from the room to make her way to the carriage.

General Andrews was waiting outside, her cloak in his hands. She took it with gratitude and was about to enter the waiting carriage when Julia and Charlotte appeared at her side, both of them flushed with rushing.

“Elizabeth! What is happening?” Charlotte clasped onto her friend’s eyes. “Why would you wish to leave without saying goodbye.

Elizabeth could no longer control the flood of tears, and they burst forth unbidden. General Andrews kindly took his leave so that it was only the three women together in a tightly-knit circle. Julia placed her hand on Elizabeth’s shoulder.

Through her tears, Elizabeth tried to explain. “I am sorry, friends, to leave you so soon, but there is not much time to waste. I will send for my things from Duart. My father lies dying in Newgate prison, and some matters must be attended to.”

Charlotte’s voice was calm and soothing. “I am very sorry, Elizabeth. Is there anything I can do to assist you?” Elizabeth shook her head, and her tears had slowed, but she could still feel the shudder in her shoulders.

“Goodbye to you, both. You have been so wonderful to me. I am sorry to have to leave so suddenly, but I will be returning.”

“You will?” Julia smiled. “I hope it is soon.”

Elizabeth knew she had to tell them now, for she did not wish them to find any other way. “I will be returning once all is settled. To marry John Campbell.”

Charlotte gasped, and Julia frowned. “What? You have agreed to it? But I do not understand. Elizabeth, what happened with Liam.”

Elizabeth pulled away from their grasp and allowed the footman to help her into the carriage. She leaned out of the carriage window and said, “Do not press me, pray. I was a fool. I will not be a fool any longer. Drive on!” She called to the front, and without allowing her friends to speak another word on the subject, she waved goodbye to them and let her heart shed its tears as she rode away into the night.

* * *

Normally, he might have chased after her, but his body didn’t move. Brea placed a hand on his arm, but he shoved it away. “Ye see? Ye have nae reason tae chase the lass.”

He spat on the ground. “Ye did this, Brea. Ye have caused a rift between us. How else could Elizabeth have known tae come tae the forest if nae for ye telling her as well? Perhaps all yer words are wrong, then, and that kiss had never happened?” He faced back to where Elizabeth had formerly been.

Brea replied, a new stiffness to her tone. “It is the truth, Liam. I wouldnae create a lie such as that. There was a witness to her wanton actions. What a fallen woman she acts like even though she is meant to be a fine English lady.”

Liam turned a scowl to her, and Brea cowered a little at the look in his eyes. “Leave me, Brea. Yer words are like a poison, and ye should be sucked out, removed from me life.” He stomped away towards the direction of the Fort, but he could still hear Brea huffing and rushing out of the woods. He was grateful to be rid of her.

Once she was gone, he could think again, but the anger and despair still remained. Did he believe Brea and believe in the inconstancy of Elizabeth? It didn’t seem possible, but why would Elizabeth kiss John unless she had feelings for him? She was not the type of woman to throw her favors around to just anyone. However, he had been surprised that she had initiated their lovemaking at the inn. It had been uncharacteristic of her, but he knew that she had been a maid.

Maybe that was her plan the whole time, and he had been made a fool by it all. He had gone and fallen in love with someone who didn’t really want him or want to be with him forever, only for a moment. He shook his head at his own foolishness as he approached the fort.

What am I going tae say tae her now?

He sighed, knowing that both Charlotte and Mrs. MacLean would be down his throat about it once they got wind of his and Brea’s kiss. He would have to tell them about John then and see what they thought about that.

But when he arrived at the Fort, he saw Julia and Charlotte outside, looking off into the distance and whispering to each other. He approached, his heart clenched with worry. “Charlotte, Julia, what is the matter?”

He looked between them, and their eyes were filled with confusion. Charlotte said, “She is gone. Elizabeth is gone. She has just left us.”

Liam wanted to scream his rage into the night sky. “Why? Why should she leave?” He was afraid to hear the answer.

Julia stammered, “What a mess everything seems to be. She said her father is on his death-bed, and she must go to him before he passes to deal with some matters.”

He felt a slight bit of relief. Perhaps it was not his fault that she rushed off as she did. Surely, she would not wish to stop and say goodbye to him, anyway.

She has kissed another man while making love to me! Why should I care anything for the lass anymore?