Elizabeth’s eyes widened, and she looked as if she was going to retort, but he stopped her.

“I hope ye dinnae feel embarrassed, lass,” he cooed, nearly dizzy with excitement. “I wanted tae speak tae ye about something, and I didnae think that it could wait another minute. There might nae be another time afore the party, or afore ye leave back tae yer aunt’s house in England.”

Elizabeth was silent, but he could tell by the way she swallowed that she was waiting with interest. He smiled. “Elizabeth, my dear Elizabeth, would ye consider making me the happiest of men and becoming my wife, Lady of the Campbell clan?”

His heart soared at the sight of her surprised face. Her mouth fell open, and her face paled. When she spoke, her voice was soft. “Your wife? Can you be in earnest?”

He laughed and took her hands in his. They were cold. “Of course! I would never deign tae speak tae a woman about marriage if I didnae mean it. Ye are my match, Elizabeth. I want tae spend my life with ye and bring ye tae my home tae live there for the rest of yer days if ye will have me.”

Elizabeth kept blinking at him, and it made his confidence falter a little. He had hoped that after their kiss, her answer to his proposal would be a resounding yes. But instead, there was silence. He didn’t know what else to say. The only thing to do was to wait for a reply. He folded his hands together behind his back and waited.

After a few moments of interminable duration, she said, “John, I am indeed flattered by your proposal. No one has ever made a proposal to me before. I find myself a little surprised, that is all.” His confidence returned, and he beamed. She continued, “But, I also find that I cannot yet answer. You see, my future is not entirely in my hands. I must seek counsel from my father.”

He knew that was the case with other women, but her father was a brute and had murdered his own brother in cold blood. Why should he be consulted about anything? But he swallowed back his retorts and said a little stiffly, “Of course.”

“I shall let you know my answer when I am prepared to give it.”

He nodded, feeling a little like the air had been sucked out of his lungs. However, it was not a full rejection. There was still a glimmer of hope on the horizon. “Aye, lass. I understand. ‘Tis a big decision. Ye must take yer time and think it over.”

She smiled weakly back at him, and he took one of her soft hands to his lips. “Know that I am eager for yer reply. I know that we would be happy taegether.”

She said nothing but watched him with her big blue eyes as he bade her good night and left the hallway, unsure of what to think.

* * *

The next morning, as she prepared herself to leave for Duart, Elizabeth still felt paralyzed with surprise. John’s proposal could not have come at a worse time. In the face of it the previous evening, she didn’t know what to say, and so she had tried to be as polite as possible when he’d appeared at her door, pouring his heart out. It was true what she’d said. Her father would have to approve, and even though she knew he would accept a wealthy laird as a son-in-law, she had to use an excuse to give herself more time.

First, she needed to speak to Charlotte and then to Liam. And then, she would need to sit with herself and think. Could she spend the rest of her life with John Campbell? As she descended the stairs for breakfast, she knew in her heart that she could not, not while things with Liam still lay unresolved, and when her heart was so clearly pointing her in another direction.

“Elizabeth!” General Andrews’ greeting was warm and friendly as usual. “Please come and sit and eat. Then, Lieutenant Stevens will be at your service and take you across the sea, as it were.”

Elizabeth sat down and poured herself a cup of tea. “Will John not be joining us this morning?”

“Oh, I am certain he shall, but he has not yet come down.” Elizabeth and General Andrews began their breakfast, and Elizabeth enjoyed the lulling comfort of General Andrews’ general chatter. “I know that Charlotte will be very excited to have a party with you before you go, my dear. I also wanted to get the opportunity to say that you are always welcome here, and even after you leave, I do hope you will visit again one day. Bring your aunt if you like!”

Elizabeth wanted to laugh out loud at the thought of Aunt Mildred braving the wilds of Scotland, but she did not do so. “Thank you, General. You have been so kind to me. After all that has happened,” surprisingly, tears welled in her throat, “Your kindness and your daughter’s friendship have both been of great solace to me. I shall endeavor to visit whenever I can. But first, we must look forward to the party, correct?”

General Andrews smiled broadly. “Yes, of course, my dear.”

Soon enough, she was on the shore of the Sound waiting patiently for Lieutenant Stevens. He had gone to find the whereabouts of John, and soon she heard his boots in the gravel as he walked towards her, his shoulders back, and his smile kind. She remembered how handsome she had thought him before and how nervous she had been to speak to him at first when she’d originally arrived in Scotland, but now he still seemed like a little boy to her.

“I am sorry, Lady Elizabeth, to make you wait, but we wanted to be absolutely sure that Laird Campbell was not in residence since he’d requested to ride across the Sound. His room was searched, and he was gone. But this was left for you.” He handed over a cream envelope with her name on it, and Elizabeth’s heart stopped.