Chapter Eighteen

After she and John returned to Fort William, she was grateful that they had no more time alone together. She would have to try to avoid him as she went to her bed that night to not be caught off guard. She had nothing yet to say to him, and she wished for Julia and Charlotte to help guide her.

But for now, all she could do was try to steer clear of John Campbell and that look of happiness on his face as if he had just been given the best gift in the world. The rest of the day was spent playing whist with John and Lieutenant Stevens and discussing just what the party would entail.

Elizabeth fanned the cards out in her hand and said, “General, I should write to your daughter, to ask her about the party and who she and Julia would like to include.”

“Excellent! I do not suppose we could have it tomorrow evening? That way, you could spend another night here, and Charlotte could travel over?”

Elizabeth shook her head. “I am sorry, sir, but I would have to collect the proper clothes for the occasion. I did not pack enough to spend two evenings. I would want to be properly attired for the evening.” She did not let her mind wander to thoughts of evenings when clothing was not necessary.

“Of course, of course. John, how silly am I? My wife has been gone for so long that I forget the needs of well-bred ladies. We shall ask Charlotte which date she prefers. But I suppose you would rather it sooner than later, for you will endeavor to return to your aunt’s?”

Elizabeth nodded, glancing at John briefly, who smiled back at her, his eyes hopeful. She began to feel ever so slightly irritated at his constant presence. “Yes, that would be preferable. I would not dare to miss such an event!”

John laid down a card and said, “I would be very happy tae take ye to Duart, lass. I had planned tae go anyway, but wanted tae stop along the way and greet General Andrews.” Elizabeth bowed her head with gratitude, but her stomach clenched at the thought of the long journey across the Sound with John. She knew he would want to discuss everything, and she wasn’t sure yet that she wanted to.

Lieutenant Stevens suddenly piped up. “I would also be to come as well, Lady Elizabeth, so as not to trouble Laird Campbell with accompanying you back to the Fort, and he can return straight to his own home to prepare.” Elizabeth looked between the two men, both of them eager, and John looking a little bit crestfallen. Perhaps it was for the best.

“Yes, thank you, Lieutenant. It is a very good idea. I would appreciate that.”

“Well, ‘tis all settled then. You will leave in the morning, but we can send post to Charlotte today so that she has fair warning.” General Andrews grinned.

He called over a servant and asked for them to bring paper and ink. “You might as well stay here to write it and not retire to the study. We would not want to interrupt our game. It is so very rare that I get the chance!”

Elizabeth smiled, feeling relieved. She would not have to speak to John at all, not just yet. The lieutenant now had saved her the trouble. The rest of the evening was spent pleasantly. Elizabeth did her best to be polite and advise General Andrews as much as she could.

She sent off her letter to Charlotte, adding at the bottom that she needed to speak to her and soon. There was something of urgency she needed to discuss with her friend. And then, it was time for bed. Elizabeth found herself completely exhausted. She had barely slept the night before, for she had had other pleasant activities that were to be completed.

Also that day, she had kissed another man, and she’d realized that the man she had slept with the previous evening was the one she truly wanted to be with. It was all so much. Her father’s promise loomed in her mind, and she had to think of something, but her bed called to her.

Grateful that she had been sent with a servant to her guest room, and John had been taken elsewhere, Elizabeth finally reached her door, and inside, the warmth of a merry fire and the comfortable looking bed and coverlet brought calm to her mind. At least she could spend a pleasant evening alone in her own thoughts. She sat in front of the hearth and poured herself wine, hopeful for a few silent moments.

She sighed back with relaxation as she allowed her mind to wander of its own accord. She knew, but she did not stop it that she would be thinking of Liam and the way their bodies had fit together. She wanted to do it again, but how could she recover from what had happened? She’d heard Fergus’s words. It made it seem like any woman would have done for Liam that night and that perhaps he was waiting for another one when she had merrily dragged him up the stairs and gave him exactly what he’d wanted!

Her pride had made her stiff and angry. But there was something else. Fergus mentioned that it was good for Liam to get her out of his mind. So, she had been in Liam’s thoughts? The idea made her belly tingle and her heart patter. She stayed in this pleasant feeling for a little while when she remembered what Liam had said to her before leaving. At the time, she was merely angry and hurt at his final words, purely said to injure.

Yet she had recognized them. When she said them over and over in her mind, she knew where she’d heard them. Those were almost the exact words she had spoken to Brea when they were both on Mull on horseback. So, did Brea go and see Liam? The thought of that made her burn with jealousy. Either they had a rendezvous together, or somehow Brea got that message to him. How else could he have known? The only people she had told were Brea and when she’d explained the story to Charlotte.

And Charlotte certainly wouldn’t have been the one to tell. Her lips tightened with fury. She would need to speak to Liam and soon. How could he have known those words? A knock startled her in her thoughts. She jumped and went to answer the door, irritated that someone had come to destroy her pleasant evening alone. When she swung open the door, her heart fell as she saw John standing outside, a large smile on his face.

* * *

John could not wait any longer. He had to speak to Elizabeth. That kiss in the forest had practically torn him apart and not in an unpleasant way. He had been surprised at his behavior, and even more so that she had not instantly pulled away. That had given him hope. With her lips on his, opening her mouth for him, and pushing her breasts against his chest, he had felt that he was going to burst.

His cock had hardened instantly, and his whole body had felt warm with lust. With a few more moments, he feared his cock would lift his kilt and press right between her legs. He was not sure that was the best way to continue, not while they were in the middle of the woods, and not while things were still undecided between them. However, he had to know about that kiss, and even though the rest of the day had been spent in discussing party plans and playing whist, and listening to General Andrews’ tales, he could not stop thinking about his bonny Elizabeth. He wished she would finally desire to be his.

After the servant took him to his room, he had paced inside for a quarter of an hour, feeling like something inside of him was desperate to get out. After tonight, Elizabeth would be gone back to Duart, surrounded by people, and then she would return here to the party, again surrounded by people. He might not get a chance again to speak to her while no one was aware they were alone in private conversation. He needed a chance while away from the crowd to get her alone. There was a small part of him that feared her negative reply to the question he wanted to ask her, but the rest of him pulsed with confidence. Surely a woman who had thrust herself upon him in the woods would welcome his admission of love? The offering of his heart?

And so, he could not bear it any longer. He left the room and dashed to find Elizabeth’s, finding a servant along the way to point him in the right direction. He knew that it was untoward. He knew that anyone could see them and think something of it, but there was nothing to change his mind. He was resolved. He had the fire of the Campbells in him, the light of battle in his heart, and he would not leave this Fort without trying his hand. If so, he would regret it forever.

Strongly and confidently, he knocked on her door. A slightly weary Elizabeth opened it, and he could see that her face was a little flushed. Surprise? Delight? He cleared his throat and tried to keep his body from going everywhere at once. “Elizabeth, I am sorry for coming at such a late hour, but I wondered if ye had a moment tae spare?”

Elizabeth looked from right to left, and no one was to be seen. “Here? In the hallway?”

“Aye, I think ‘twould be best, especially since I dinnae think ‘twould be wise tae have this discussion inside of yer bedroom.” Elizabeth blushed, and so did he. Her look of sweet innocence gave him the confidence to continue.

He cleared his throat again, his old resolve tingling with fear and nervousness. “The events of taeday have given me hope.”