Chapter Sixteen

John could not have thought of a better situation than to have found Lady Elizabeth Darling sitting prettily with General Andrews as he entered the Fort. Perhaps luck was on his side that day. He did mean to go to Duart to see her, but he thought that he should stop to speak to General Andrews about clan business before he did so, according to Finlay’s suggestion.

It was a Herculean effort to keep his eyes from her, but he knew he had to greet his host. John bowed his head. “General Andrews, Sir. It is a pleasure tae see ye again.”

General Andrews stood kindly, bowed his head, but then pushed forward to shake John’s hand. “Is it now? I am so glad for that fact, despite all that has happened.”

John’s eyes moved to the side, to the location of his brother’s demise, but the rest of his expression revealed nothing. He did not want to think about Archibald just then. His days had been full of grief until Elizabeth returned. He would enjoy his time with her. General Andrews motioned to Elizabeth. “You know Lady Darling, of course?”

John smiled widely. “Aye, of course. We know each other well.” He was finally given the freedom to stare at her lovely face, which proved even lovelier as she sat dressed elegantly in a cream gown and pink cape. If it was possible, he was certain that she was becoming more beautiful each time they met.

Elizabeth nodded. “Yes, Sir. John and I have become acquainted.” John’s confidence faltered a little. Her voice seemed tense, and her sparkling eyes were not calm. He wanted to reach for her and take her in his arms, to ask her what was the matter, but now was not the time.

General Andrews pointed to the chair opposite. “Please sit. Join us for a small meal and tea?”

“I would be happy tae.”

A servant came promptly and filled John’s cup of tea and set it before him. The General said, “I wonder why I have been lucky enough to have two visitors today. Tell me, John, why have you so graced me with your presence?”

John wanted to smile. This Englishman was kind and tender, and it made him think that Finlay might be right. He was nothing like General Whitehead, and so perhaps he might be more open to trustworthy business? He also could see Charlotte behind her Father’s eyes, and it endeared the man to him even more.

John glanced at Elizabeth and tried not to let his mind fill too much with concern for her. She was looking down at her food. “Well, I had hoped tae discuss business with ye, General, but it can wait when there is such lovely company about.”

General Andrews looked between John and Elizabeth and smiled a little. “Of course. We can discuss business anytime.”

Elizabeth suddenly spoke, and the sound made John jump a little.“I do not mind, John, if you do not. I would like to hear about a few business matters. It would give us women something else to think of.” John frowned a little. Elizabeth’s voice was almost harsh. What had he done wrong? He hadn’t seen her for a couple days. Had she changed her mind about letting him come to pay his attentions to her?

The mood in the room was ever so slightly sullen. Elizabeth then said, “But of course, I do not want to encroach upon private matters.”

John replied hastily, gripping the teacup in his hands. “Nae, of course nae. If the General doesnae mind, we can discuss the matters. There is only one, really.”

The General nodded, but John could see a note of concern for Elizabeth in his expression.

“Ye ken our plan already, the MacLeans and I, tae combine our resources for grazing.” He turned to Elizabeth in explanation. “That way, the land can be freed up on Mull for crops and building of new cottages and barns.”

Elizabeth nodded in understanding and sipped demurely at her tea. John continued, “I had hoped tae find other ventures for our clan tae become involved in. Especially with the English and land ownership. I thought perhaps ye could direct us in the right direction. Perhaps if the King had any sort of needs in Scotland with land or protection, ye would call upon us, the Campbells, tae be of service.”

General Andrews had folded his hands across his belly and was listening intently. Tiny lines had formed around his mouth and the corners of his eyes. After John had finished, he replied, “Yes, John. Of course, I shall think of ye. I know of other ventures occurring with land ownership and the like, but that is happening miles away from here. I will alert you of anything closer to home when something happens. Currently, we are merely training and policing our usual areas. Nothing of note.”

John nodded with satisfaction. He had done his lairdly duty. He had put the clan first and asked for other money-making opportunities even if it wasn’t the thing that was most in his mind. He was glad that business was over, for he wanted to discuss Elizabeth, anything to do with Elizabeth, and what consumed her time and mind. It was a subject endlessly fascinating to him.

But before he could put forth any questions, Elizabeth said kindly, “You are most wise to align with the MacLeans to help their fortunes, John. I know that with Julia’s help, they have come far from what they once were.”

“’Twas a sad thing tae behold. I can say that now that we are in alliance taegether, and I would consider us friends, even if perhaps our clans are nae. Calum lost his wife tae an English soldier many years ago. Since then, he had let the clan go tae ruin. But finding Julia breathed new life intae the lad. It changed everything. I cannae take all the credit.”

General Andrews smiled. “A woman always does.”

John’s eyes were on Elizabeth, feeling heat running through his body. She looked up at him, her blue eyes glimmering. He said, “Aye. ‘Tis true, Sir.”

A moment passed, and John tried to read her face but found he couldn’t. He needed a chance alone with her to see how she felt about him and to make her understand that what he felt for her was not just a passing fancy. He wanted her more with each day. He wanted her to become his Lady. Lady of the Campbells, even if his parents might roll in their graves at the thought of an English daughter-in-law.

General Andrews suddenly clapped his hands. “My friends! What do you say to a party, or a gathering, if you will, here at the Fort? We can invite everyone from Duart who Charlotte and Julia wish to come and anyone from your clan you wish to invite. Since you are in business together, it would not be inappropriate. It might even help to endear some of the other not so happy clan members to us.”

John brightened. This would give him the chance he needed. “I think ‘tis a delightful idea, Sir. What do ye think, Lady Elizabeth?”

Unfortunately, Elizabeth looked a little bit green at the idea, but she did her best to smile pleasantly. “That sounds wonderful, General. When would you like the party to happen?”

“We shall consult with Charlotte tomorrow, and then we will set on a date. Think about who you would like to invite, John. Oh, what a party we shall have! The King would approve most heartily, for he hopes to create more amicable relations with the Scots and hopes there will be a sort of alliance between our country and yours.”