Finlay’s eyes widened, and he smiled. “Aye, laird, we were hoping ye would. Let us put swords taegether and see who comes out the victor.”

Even though Finlay’s statement was made in jest, it made John think of Liam and his attempts to tempt Elizabeth to his bed.Aye, Liam MacLean, we shall see who comes out the victor.

* * *

Liam pulled at the wooden boat so that it slid easily onto the shore of the mainland. He stood up, breathing a little hard, and looked at the trees so close to the edge. To the west of him, Fort William stood out, stark and strong against the afternoon sun. Fergus picked up the weapons and stalked next to him, handing him a musket and a sack.

“Let us go, lad, and see what the forests have for us taeday.”

Liam took them wordlessly and followed his friend down their usual path. They would enter the woods deeply in all different directions, searching for game, but they would be careful not to encroach too far onto another clan’s land. It was still too early in the MacLean’s return to prosperity to engender the anger of another clan. Besides, Calum was already traveling to the other clans in the area to discuss new land ownership, money, and the English, and would not wish his clansmen to foolishly cause land wars in his absence.

Liam always enjoyed hunting and leaving Mull for a few hours, if not a few days. He loved the island with his whole heart, and each morning when he saw the view from his cottage, it made him happy and brought back memories of his passed family, but it was not enough. Something had pulled at his heart for years and created an itch in his limbs. The island was too small. There was so much more in the world to be seen and experienced, and he wanted to get out there to do it.

Perhaps that was why he sought entertainment in every corner of his own tiny space, to keep away the boredom and lack of fulfillment that chewed on the edges of his consciousness. Hunting was like its own adventure, and in that time, he would give himself up to it, becoming part of the bushes or the trees, straining his ears for any sound of a nearby animal. It kept him from remembering

However, today, his mind was elsewhere, and he felt his heart hurt a little as their boat pushed away from Mull’s shores and out into the calm water of the Sound. He did not have to think long and hard about why his heart was in such a state. His mind was full of Elizabeth as his arms had been full of her the previous day before Fergus and Brea thought fit to catch him in the act and make himself and Elizabeth feel like utter fools.

Why had she kissed him? Ever since it happened, that question scratched at his mind, and he’d found no peace or sleep at night. He was very happy that she did because he could not think of a more pleasurable experience, but he could not for the life of him think why she had done so. Was she not angry about his rudeness and his forwardness? Was she not too innocent and virginal for the likes of him?

But at that moment on the hill, it appeared she had let go of all that had before constrained her, for she nearly leaped into his arms. Could it have been the words of his apology that had sent her into a paroxysm of desire? Before Angus had called him to dinner and a meeting, Liam had met with Mrs. MacLean to let her know that her orders had been duly followed and that she need not worry any longer about the state of Lady Elizabeth Darling.

However, the woman had asked him how Elizabeth had received the apology, and when he blushed and struggled to get out the words, Mrs. MacLean came to her own conclusion and laughed and laughed. Liam had stewed under her laughter, but even her jokes thereafter could not have lessened the pride and satisfaction he had at having received a kiss from such a woman.

Mrs. MacLean even told him that he was a lucky man and that he should not use Elizabeth Darling ill. He nodded, understanding fully. He knew that Mrs. MacLean had given him such advice in the past, and he had not heeded it. But this time, he wanted to. Why should he wish to use Elizabeth Darling for ill?

Despite his attempts to avoid the subject, he knew what Mrs. MacLean referred to, and while the thought of bedding Elizabeth had filled his mind and consumed his body, he did not think that it would actually happen. Nor did he intend to push it on her unwillingly or try to charm it out of her. Well, the night of the wedding, he supposed that that was his exact intention.

But now, things were different. He wanted to respect her, and she was a friend of Charlotte’s, after all. If she was willing, as she seemed to be the other night, perhaps he would agree to bed her. His thoughts twisted and turned in this direction, and he could feel blood speeding towards the one area it should not speed towards, especially not in front of Fergus while hunting in the woods.

Suddenly, a musket firing burst into Liam’s consciousness. “Damn it!” Fergus yelled, and he turned a scowl to Liam.

“I missed it, but it was closer tae ye. What in the bloody Hell are ye doin’, lad? We have got animals tae find and bring back! Ye look as if ye are a million miles away from here. I called yer name a few times but heard nothin’ back. I would have preferred tae come even with flighty-minded Fen if this is about as much use tae me as yer going tae be.”

Fergus crossed his arms over his big chest and stared at Liam for a moment. The expression was comical, for Fergus never flew into a rage, and even if he did, it was never for very long. It was doubly comical since Fergus looked quite similar to Liam, and so Liam often had the odd feeling of looking into a mirror whenever he saw his friend.

Liam did his best to apologize. “Och, sorry, lad. Ye are right. I was a million miles away. I will find the next one.”

Just as Liam had predicted, Fergus’s face broke into a wry grin. He slung the musket over his shoulder, and they continued on their way through the woods. “I ken what ails yer mind, friend.” He sighed. “It seems tae be the lot of us MacLean men when Sassenachs come upon our shore.”

Liam swallowed nervously, not wanting to discuss the kiss with Fergus and how he had been caught in such an intimate embrace. His anger towards his friend had cooled enough that he no longer wanted to punch him in the face. Instead, he felt acute embarrassment.

Fergus continued unabashedly. “Ye think of that blonde angel, Lady Elizabeth Darling, and how ye had yer arms wrapped around her and were kissing her as if ye wanted tae eat her,” Liam said nothing. “Now, here is me thinking that this lass was one of the ones ye offended the night of the wedding.”

Liam tried to open his mouth, but Fergus said, “It was the talk of the castle. I prefer tae think of it as the slap heard throughout the land. Why on earth would ye kiss the lass again, lad? She is a friend of Charlotte’s, ye ken? Ye ought tae be treading carefully.”

Liam’s voice was stiff. “’Twas nae I who kissed her this time, Fergus. She kissed me.”

With that, Fergus bellowed into laughter, throwing his head back to the sky. Liam’s frustration was growing by the minute. Even though it was a mystery to him why the woman kissed him, he still didn’t like the idea that Fergus found it so unbelievable that she should do so. Once Fergus’ laughter had calmed, he said, “Ye expect me tae believe that a lass as bonny as that, with an English title and wealth and a million prospects, would think tae kiss ye in the middle of Mull right out in the open when she comes tae visit her friend and naething more?” Fergus laughed again, not waiting for Liam’s reply.

Liam’s fists clenched. Punching Fergus in the face suddenly became a great idea once more, and so, he swung.