Once they were gone, she saw that John’s boat had disappeared to a small dot, and he waved at her from afar. She sighed and walked up to the castle, a wave of fatigue coursing through her every muscle. She couldn’t decide what emotion she was feeling more. Was she angry, embarrassed, or disappointed that both John and Liam visited a brothel and had women there who were interested in seeing them again? And why was she feeling any of it? What was she to them both? That morning under Charlotte’s guidance, she had had such plans to spend her last few days of freedom flirting and trying not to feel guilty, and yet, here were beautiful, willing women who could do what she was not willing to do and pull those same men away from her. All hope was lost. The men would never think of her now.

* * *

John scoffed at his bad luck as he rowed back to shore. Just when he was trying to be a romantic suitor, who had everything to offer the woman of his affections, the boatload of women had appeared. That had been embarrassing enough to try to explain it, but then Brea had had to make a big show of knowing him and of mentioning his past association with Leyla.

Well, it had been past, once he’d set eyes on Elizabeth. Not even Leyla, who he had spent many an enjoyable evening with, could sate his desires now. After seeing Elizabeth, he knew he had to have her. He craved to be around her. Her beauty, her grace, and her kindness had pulled him in, and she had agreed to have him visit her!

His heart had leaped with joy, but then Brea mentioned Leyla, who knew where he was now? Elizabeth was an English Lady, most presumably a maid, and so she would be shocked to learn of what these women did and the men who frequented the establishment to be with them. He shuddered to think of what Elizabeth’s thoughts were right then. He frowned. And then there was Liam MacLean.

What was he doing, looking as if John had overstepped his bounds by coming to see Elizabeth? John had been many times on Duart, and he and Liam had even fought together against General Whitehead. Why was Liam suddenly angry and possessive?

Perhaps Liam thinks of wooing Elizabeth himself? He was rather attentive tae the lass last night, was he nae? I had tae wait my turn many a time while they danced.Suddenly, John was angry. Liam MacLean was a womanizer, pure and simple, even more so than John had ever been. He was at the brothel nearly every week if he could afford it, and he was with Brea often. Who knew where else on the island he had a woman?

At the wedding the previous evening, John had watched as he moved from woman to woman, flirting, making them laugh, and bringing drinks to their lips. At the time, it had entertained him, for Liam was a jolly sort and very humorous. But now that the lad was interested in Elizabeth or was attempting to push John away from her, that would not do. John clenched his jaw with resolve. He knew that Liam only wanted one thing out of that relationship.

He had to be honest. He understood that one thing very well when it came to Elizabeth Darling, but for himself, he knew his heart wanted more. The shore was coming into view. He could see Fort William’s gray walls looming out of the mist on the mainland. He sighed. It would be a bit of a journey on horseback to return to his own castle, but he could spend all of that time attempting to figure out a way to get Liam away from Elizabeth.

His own insecurities rankled. In his short acquaintance with the MacLeans, he knew it well enough that almost every woman wanted Liam. He was at ease with women and didn’t trip over his words while John could feel sweat coming out on his forehead and palms while he spoke to Elizabeth. He would need the time to think of a plan. Liam MacLean had plenty of other women to seduce. John wanted his chance fair and square, and he didn’t want Liam to spoil it.

* * *

Liam stood by the window in the Great Hall, staring down at the shoreline. Charlotte was watching him with amusement as she put her medicine bag on the table. Mrs. MacLean approached them both. “Could you send us some tea, Mrs. MacLean? We will have lunch here soon as well.”

“Of course, my Lady,” Mrs. MacLean replied kindly and took the bag in hand. “A pleasant trip around the island?”

Charlotte chuckled. “Very pleasant. It was just as we had both suspected. Plenty of soreheads and aching bellies today. Too much drinking last evening, I should think.”

Mrs. MacLean nodded her head to Liam. “And did ye get the elixir ye needed, lad?”

Liam didn’t answer right away, and Mrs. MacLean had to repeat her question. Charlotte smirked. He turned back, surprised at having been spoken to. “What is it, Mrs. MacLean?”

She repeated it for the third time. He nodded. “Aye, aye. I feel better now.” He turned back to the window, afraid to catch her meaningful stare. Mrs. MacLean could be a lion when she wanted to be. But he knew that she would not ask him about the apology in front of Charlotte, and for that, he was lucky.

Mrs. MacLean left the room, and Charlotte stood beside him. “An interesting view down there? You cannot seem to tear your eyes away.” Liam knew that tone of voice. Charlotte MacLean was teasing him.

Normally, he would love to rise to the occasion, and he would try his best to do so, but seeing John arrive just as Charlotte had predicted irritated him. “I see ye were right about yer guess as tae John’s return. He came almost as if called.” He turned an accusing glance in Charlotte’s direction.

Charlotte laughed. “Who am I to interfere with my friend’s affairs? It was simply an observation and hope, I suppose. I noticed his regard last night, and I thought perhaps he might like to pay us another visit. If it is bothersome to you, then perhaps you should consider asking to spend a little time with her yourself?” Charlotte was grinning as Liam felt his face struggle to school its expression. He wanted to appear impassive, unfeeling, and entertained by her jabs.

“Och, I should, should I? And why would ye say that?” It was a dangerous question, but he thought it would help dissuade her from whatever notion she had in her mind as to him and Elizabeth.

Charlotte placed a hand dramatically upon her chest. “I thought you would never ask, Liam. Well, it is because I saw your very own marked regard for my dear friend Elizabeth last night. In fact, it was not something I was unfamiliar with. I have seen the way you look at her as if you had never seen anything more lovely in your whole life. Why do you deny it?”

He coughed and rubbed his hand over his beard. “Lass, I dinnae deny that yer friend is bonny. I have nae reason tae deny such a thing, but I shall deny that there is anything more! Ye know me, and ye know I couldnae think of a lass like that.”

Charlotte watched him with suspicion. He knew that she would be able to tell if he was lying. However, he knew that he was only partially lying. There wasn’t really anything more than a desire to be around Elizabeth and to kiss her again, and he was right about not thinking of women that way. There had never been anyone that was not more than a friend or a romp.

“Well then, why did John’s appearance bother you so? You never seemed bothered by it before.”

It was true. He and John had never really become friends, but he had never shown open disregard for the man. He knew that if Angus approved of him and trusted him, why should he have any problems? But today, something was different. John’s cocky appearance as he strode up the shore of the Isle along with boldly asking Elizabeth to walk with him was more than he could bear. Where did he get such airs, thinking that he was good enough for an English lady? Was he not as Scottish as he?

Unfortunately nae. The man is a laird, after all, of one of the most powerful clans in the Highlands.

Liam struggled to think of an excuse while Charlotte’s intelligent green eyes watched him. “Have I nae? Well, it is just that he is a Campbell and has come tae the Isle without invitation. Did ye nae find that suspicious? And he simply asks the Mistress tae go on a walk with him, as if it was the most natural thing he should have asked? And ye just let him!”

Charlotte laughed again. “Liam MacLean, for not caring about any of it, you certainly seem very involved. Like I said, I am not in charge of my friend’s affairs. John Campbell is a nice man and a good man. He saved Julia from a life of imprisonment. He helped stop Elizabeth’s father from trying to imprison Angus and discredit my father! He has done so much. Why should I not allow Elizabeth to see him? You can also tell that John is interested in her. He is not afraid to show it as you are.”

Liam’s ire flared. “Afraid? I am nae afraid tae show it, Charlotte!”

She giggled. “Then, show it to her! Prove to John that you are not afraid. Ask Elizabeth if she will go somewhere with you. We do not know how long she will be with us. I am certain she will return to England sooner rather than later.”

Liam’s heart was racing with anger at Charlotte’s accusation. He could never have considered himself afraid of anything before in his life. If John Campbell was not afraid, Liam MacLean would certainly not wish the man to think he was. He sighed. He had just fallen into Charlotte’s clever trap.