Chapter Six

Elizabeth hadn’t realized how long she had remained silent. “Oh, no! Forgive me. I did not mean to imply dislike with my silence. I would be happy to accept any invitations you send my way, but I agree. I think Angus would like to know about it.” John smiled, showing his perfectly white teeth.

She could imagine what he looked like as a boy. “I am most happy ye said that, lass. If I may ask, how long do ye plan tae stay?” His blue eyes were hopeful.

Elizabeth laughed, feeling feminine, beautiful, and wanted, for the first time in her life. “I am unsure at this time. As you know, some of my situation, my time is not entirely my own. I have an aunt that I am staying with in England. She does not wish me to be gone for too long. It would be unseemly.”

One corner of his mouth lifted up, and Elizabeth realized just how handsome he was. He was one of those men that one did not always notice upon first acquaintance, but upon second or third, he suddenly became one of the most handsome men among one’s friends. He said with a smirk, “I understand. Ye are right. There are many men about who wish tae take advantage of beautiful young women.”

“And you are not one of them, I suppose?” She asked lightly, sprinkling her words with satire.

“Certainly not.” He shook his head vehemently, and it made Elizabeth giggle.

“So, you have only honorable thoughts about our interactions, then?”

John stopped walking and faced her. Her eyes slid down from his face to where his neck met with his cravat. It was slightly loosened, and she thought about what it would be like if she helped it along. What was getting into her?

His tone was low and a little serious. “I cannae lie and say that all mythoughtsare honorable, my Lady, but myintentionscertainly are.” John’s boyish look from earlier changed to one dark, sensual, and irresistibly manly. His jaw was clenched tightly as he swallowed, watching her closely. Elizabeth felt like he was considering devouring her, and it was not an altogether unpleasant thought.

Even though she wished to appear prepared for their flirtatious repartee, she blushed deeply and looked down. A lock of blonde hair sprung loose from beside her ear, and before she could reply, John took it in his fingertips. She looked up, her chest tightening. He seemed closer than he was before, or was that just her imagination? Kissing him came to the forefront of her mind. Never before had she felt the desire to kiss two men in one day, but here she was, her lips ready if he made any move toward them. Perhaps her father really was right about her future.

John said softly, “Forgive me if I embarrassed ye. I mean only tae say that ye are absolutely lovely, Lady Elizabeth.” He pushed the hair back behind her ear. Elizabeth smiled weakly.

“And I thank you for the compliment, Sir,” were the only words she could muster out.

They were silent, and Elizabeth could think of no other words to fill the space. She was tired, and even though she enjoyed John’s company, it was difficult to think of the next thing to say when there was so much unsaid between them. She could feel it vibrating and thrumming between their bodies. Liam had evoked a similar feeling, and since she was not used to such a thing, such rising and cooling of a heat surrounding her core, she felt exhausted by it. Especially when she did not know how to deal with it or how to proceed.

John saved her the trouble of asking to return. He held out an arm and said, “I believe I have taken up enough of yer time, Lady Elizabeth. Let me return ye taeDuart. I am certain ye must be tired and hungry. Charlotte is a busy lass and could make anyone feel tired running behind her.”

In her tired state, Elizabeth was a little hurt by his comment. Did he mean to say that Elizabeth was being dragged along by Charlotte? She brushed it aside anyway, picturing the inviting library in her mind.

They spoke of pleasantries and the beauty of the island. Elizabeth still did not feel comfortable speaking of the loss of his brother or of the imprisonment of her father. She hoped that there would still be time to talk about easy, light topics before they would need to discuss those things. He stood by the edge of the coast next to his boat. A light breeze moved through his hair.

“I shall leave ye now, Mistress. Since the men are nae here tae discuss plans with me, I shall return another time. Please give Charlotte my apologies.” Elizabeth smiled, and John kissed her hand. She was savoring the feeling of his warm lips on her skin when she spotted another boat coming toward them. Those inside it had long hair, blowing in the strong wind coming off the Sound.

She frowned. Who could it be that they expected? A boatload of women? “John, do you know who comes to the Isle? Charlotte did not mention expecting any visitors. Or is it Mull’s women who have gone to the mainland and returned?”

She knew she had asked the right question, for when she turned back to John, he looked a little uncomfortable, and he rubbed his hand on his chin. “Nae, lass. ‘Tis nae the ladies of Mull. I am afraid that it is the women from the brothel nearby tae Fort William. Every few weeks, they come tae the Isle when they have nae enough coin tae fill their purses. Many of them have,” he coughed. “Regulars.”

Elizabeth was embarrassed, but she was also intrigued. Her father’s words seemed to haunt her now, and here was a boat full of prostitutes coming her way. “I see.” She wanted to see them for herself and to picture her life as one of them. Could it really be her fate?

The boat slid onto the shore, and Elizabeth could hear giggling. The women stood up, five in all, and moved gingerly through the water, clutching their skirts. Elizabeth watched them hungrily, wanting to know their pasts and why they made the choices they had. “Laird Campbell!” one of them called a tall, dark-haired woman who, to Elizabeth’s surprise, was absolutely stunning.

Her lips were curled up at the corners, and Elizabeth could imagine how a mouth such as hers could attract any man. “Brea,” John said, still looking uncomfortable. Elizabeth turned to him.He knows her? Of course, I suppose many men frequent the brothel. But John? He is so kind and gentle.She couldn’t help but feel the littlest bit disappointed.

The woman called Brea put her hands on her hips and was smiling up at John as she neared. She barely spared a glance at Elizabeth. The other women standing behind Brea, while not as beautiful, were still lovely in their own way. In her mind’s eye, Elizabeth had imagined prostitutes as dirty women in tattered rags, desperately clutching to any coin they could get their hands on. She thought they would smell and have rotting teeth. At least in London, that was what she had been told. Perhaps in some areas, that would be so. But by Fort William and on Mull, most certainly not.

Brea said, “We make our way tae Mull’s tavern. I dinnae suppose ye have seen Liam, have ye?”

Elizabeth’s eyes flitted from John to Brea, suddenly craving to know everything.Liam too?She pursed her lips tightly, feeling angrier than she’d expected.

“Aye, he is in Duart, keeping an eye on us, I am sure.”

Brea nodded, looking up at the castle. Elizabeth thought for a moment that Brea was angry too. Brea sighed. “I suppose I may see him later. I will send him a message.” John nodded and stepped into his boat, smiling at Elizabeth.

“Och and Laird Campbell?” Reluctantly, John turned back to Brea’s voice. “Leylamisses ye, ye know. It has been a long time since last ye visited.” She smirked and glanced at Elizabeth with something akin to disgust.

John nodded again and got into the boat. Without saying anything else, Brea turned towards the hills, the rest of her women in tow. Elizabeth couldn’t tear her eyes away as she watched the women, their shoulders pushed back with pride, not ashamed of their station in society, heading off to begin their work.