Liam took another long sip. Elizabeth swallowed too as she watched the way his large Adam’s apple bobbed as he did so.Even his neck is alluring. Elizabeth! You should be ashamed!

Liam sighed. “Ye are a miracle worker, lass. I feel almost human again and not so much like a beast.” At his mention of the word beast, his eyes slid over and captured Elizabeth’s. She knew he was referencing last evening, and she thought earlier he had perhaps been on the cusp of an apology, but Charlotte had interrupted them.

His gaze did not go unnoticed by Charlotte. She smiled. “Good. Now perhaps you can be of some use to us.”

Liam pretended to look hurt. “And here I thought that me handsome and charming presence was useful enough.” He finished the rest of his tea bowl in one long gulp and handed it back to Charlotte. “I wish we had a healer like ye years ago.”

Charlotte chuckled. “Well, perhaps I should have let you suffer just a little bit longer.” She winked at Elizabeth and then said, “Let us be off to the next house. All are well here.”

Sitting astride their horses again, the small group visited most of the houses that populated most of the Isle. Elizabeth was amazed at Charlotte’s skill and ability to speak to anyone about anything. She was kind, funny, and gentle. Even though Elizabeth loved Charlotte dearly, she nearly felt jealous of her friend’s unbelievable abilities. Her father had never allowed her to develop into anything more than a meek mouse who would make a good wife and mother, and it made her wish to spend the rest of her time in Scotland living as she wished, becoming well-versed in things that had nothing to do with her “duty” as a woman.

Liam was attentive to Charlotte and made many jokes, but after the moment at Lara’s house, he barely spoke to Elizabeth. He hardly even looked at her. Elizabeth felt frustrated. How was she to punish him when it appeared that he was the one trying to punish her? She tried not to think of it as they completed the rest of their tasks and set their horses for home.

It was now past midday, and Elizabeth began to feel hungry and tired. She planned to return to ride around the rest of the Isle when she was not feeling so distracted, and then she could focus her mind on it entirely. Liam helped them in the stables, and then they wandered towards the castle, discussing Charlotte’s patients.

Elizabeth was ready to tuck herself away in the library for a while when they both heard, “Ahoy!” at the coast.

Elizabeth and Charlotte both put their hands up to shield their eyes as they looked at the newcomer. A tall man emerged from a boat and walked up towards them, a smile on his face. Elizabeth’s heart began to thump wildly as she recognized him. Was it possible that two men could make her heart react so? She blushed with embarrassment. Was she really such a harlot as that?

She allowed Charlotte to make the greeting. “Why, hello, John! We did not expect you.” Charlotte grinned knowingly at both Elizabeth and Liam.

“Aye, ye would be right,” John said, his eyes moving from person to person but remaining on Elizabeth. “Och, Lady Darling, I had hoped I might see ye again. I came tae discuss business with Angus or Calum, but I thought I might get the chance tae speak tae ye as well.”

Liam scoffed under his breath, but only Elizabeth seemed to hear it. She felt reenergized in her plan to punish him soundly. She smiled brightly. “Hello, John. Of course. I will be in the library whenever you are ready.”

Charlotte took Elizabeth’s arm in hers and batted her eyelashes in John’s direction. Elizabeth wanted to laugh. “Well, you see, John, Angus, and Calum have already left across the water. Calum is on his way for a trip between the clans, and Angus has gone hunting but should return later in the evening.”

John lifted his eyebrows. “So soon after the wedding? I thought he would busy himself with business at home.” His meaning was clear, and normally Elizabeth would have been embarrassed, but Charlotte laughed.

“It is I who meant to be industrious today, and so he thought he would put himself to work. I have been off checking on the rest of the Isle, soothing sore heads mostly, Liam included.”

John glanced at Liam and smiled. “Och, I had a bit of a rough time myself this morning.” Liam did not reply but instead kept scowling.

He looked at Elizabeth again, and she looked down, feeling a heat slide down into her belly at his strong and appreciative gaze.

“If I may talk tae ye now then, Lady Elizabeth? Perhaps a walk would be of interest tae ye?”

She nodded, and Liam said, “We will have tae watch from here, lad. Ye know that Angus likes the women of his Isle protected.” Towards the end of his speech, Elizabeth felt that Liam had added a slight bit of rancor.

John chuckled and crossed his arms. Elizabeth noticed he stood just a little bit taller. “I shall be protection enough for the lass. Angus knows me. But ye may stand guard here if ye like and watch us from afar.” He lifted a taunting eyebrow in Liam’s direction.

Liam stepped forward a little, and Elizabeth realized that she needed to act. She felt, for the first time, that she was the center of an argument. She stepped forward herself, partially in front of Liam. “It is no trouble. I will go with you, John, and Liam can watch from the castle if he prefers. But we do not need to go far.”

Liam continued to scowl, but John looked satisfied with the outcome. Charlotte said, “Well-stated, Elizabeth. I am off indoors. Enjoy your walk. Stay for a bit of tea, John, when you are finished if you can.”

He nodded his head to her, and soon Elizabeth was left alone with him, and while he watched Liam and Charlotte go, she had a chance to admire him in the light of day and take in his tall form. He was boyish yet manly, just as Liam was, but there was something different about him. He was a little more serious, and his intelligence was evident in the flash of his eyes, and after the way he had treated her on each of the occasions she’d met him in the past, she knew he had a kind heart.

His shoulders were not as wide as Liam’s, but their strength and width were shown how they tapered into a narrow waist. She could imagine the strength that lay beneath his coat, and since she stood a little closer to him, could see a light layer of brown stubble covering his jaw. In a moment, his blue eyes turned to look at her, and she had the sensation of melted butter spilling into her belly when he smiled down at her. “I am glad ye have agreed. Shall we walk?”

He motioned to the path in front of him, and Elizabeth took her first steps, trying to ignore the call of hunger that ached in her belly. The two of them wandered closer to the water. She wrapped the shawl around her, and John kept his arms behind his back. He remained in silence for a few moments, and Elizabeth couldn’t help but sneak a few glances at him while they walked. What was his reason for coming?

The wind picked up, and Elizabeth could feel her hair pull against her ties and pins, desperate to listen to the call of the wind. John began slowly, “I hope ye dinnae think me too forward, but I wanted tae get the chance tae speak tae ye afore ye left again. Who knows when ye might return?”

True enough,Elizabeth thought with sadness. “Not at all, John. It is pleasant to see such enjoyable company.”

He smiled. In the silence between their words, Elizabeth could hear the steady, calming beat of the Sound’s waves splashing onto the shore. It was like a lullaby, and it helped to calm the slight fluttering of her heart. He began again.“Well, if ye dinnae mind, I thought I might come and see ye a few times. I thought perhaps, ye might like tae take walks like this from time tae time or come and see me at my own clan lands. With Charlotte, of course.”

He paused, waiting for a reaction. When she did not speak right away, he said, “I mean naething untoward, and if ye would rather I speak tae Angus about it, then ye have every right. He may want tae speak tae me himself since ye are his guest and his wife’s friend.”

Elizabeth was amazed at his manners. He was kind and smooth, more practiced than Liam, and she found herself wanting to agree to his plan. To be wooed by a handsome, intelligent, kind man? That would be a very pleasurable way to spend her time in Scotland. Perhaps she could even kiss him? She flushed at the direction of her own thoughts.

His voice had changed as he began again. “Of course, if ye think ye wouldnae like tae, ye must only tell me tae get the bloody Hell away, and so I shall do.” He stiffened and turned to go.