“How is sending me away from the fighting important?”

She watched as Fin clenched his jaw. He drew in a deep breath and let it out again slowly, doing his best to remain calm.

“If ye’d let me finish, I’d tell ye why tis so important ye get to Westmarch.”

“Fine. Finish,” she fumed.

“Because if we’re goin’ tae win this fight, we’re goin’ tae need all the help we can get,” Fin said. “We’re goin’ tae need Col and his fightin’ men down here.”

“But if York has twice the soldiers as my brother, why would you need Col and his men?”

Even Hollis nodded along with her, obviously not understanding Fin’s logic any better than she was. Though she could tell he was frustrated, Fin remained patient and spoke slowly. Calmly.

“Because yer braither is a lot of things,” he said. “But stupid isnae one of them.”

“That might be the only thing you have said in the last few moments that I agree with,” she scoffed.

“Good. I’m glad we agree,” Fin said, rolling his eyes. “What I’m gettin’ at is that I daenae trust yer braither. If he’s marchin’ on York, tis nae because he’s lookin’ tae die. He’s got somethin’ up his sleeve. He’s got a plan. And I think we’re goin’ tae need more men tae counter it.”

Hollis looked at Fin, concern on his face. “Assumin’ Castor goes on the march tomorrow, even if she leaves right now, Col and his men may nae make it back in time.”

“Mebbe not. But we need tae take the chance,” Fin replied, his voice suddenly tight. He turned to Ivy. “With Castor’s eyes on York, the road tae Westmarch should be clear. Ride like the wind.”

Ivy nodded, finally understanding how important the role she was playing in all of this was. She suddenly felt bad for questioning Fin or thinking he was treating her like a child. She took him by the hand and gave it a squeeze.

“I am sorry I-”

He cut her off by pressing a gentle kiss to her lips. “Ye have nothin’ tae be sorry about,” he said. “Now, go wake Mira and mount up. Ye need tae ride.”