Chapter Fourteen


“It is almost time, My Lady.”

Ivy turned to see Brixton standing in the doorway of her bedchamber. After a mostly sleepless night, Ivy was exhausted and wanted nothing more than to lay down and rest. But her brother had announced that they would be returning to Elix with the rising of the sun.

“Why are we returning home so suddenly?” she asked.

“The Baron fears for your safety here, My Lady,” Brixton said. “After last night’s attack, he no longer feels comfortable with you beneath this roof.”

“That is ridiculous,” she said. “Last night’s attack was thwarted if I heard correctly. I am perfectly safe here.”

Brixton shrugged his broad shoulders. “I am only doing what I have been instructed to do,” he replied. “Now, if you would get yourself ready to travel, I will be right outside this door. The stewards will see to your bags.”

Brixton stepped out and gently closed the door behind him, leaving Ivy alone with her thoughts. She paced the room, frustrated and angry that once again, she is given no choice in what she does. She has long been tired of having her life dictated to her. But she had no agency and no power to do anything about it, which only frustrated her more. When Castor said jump, all she could do was say, “how high?”

She quickly changed into her riding dress and got herself put together, resenting every moment of it. When she was done, Ivy stormed out of the bedchamber and right past a startled Brixton who turned and had to move quickly to catch up. Ivy charged down the hall, her hands balled into fists at her side, and her jaw clenched.

“My Lady, stop,” Brixton said as he fell into step beside her. “You need to get yourself ready to travel.”

“Where is my brother?”

“He is in his chambers, readying himself to travel,” he replied. “As you should be doing.”

Ivy ignored him and kept walking. Brixton laid a hand on her arm, but Ivy cut him a fierce, icy glare, and he quickly removed it, looking abashed.

“I think you are becoming too familiar with me,” she hissed. “I will no longer require your services.”

“Your brother--”

“Will find somebody else to watch over me,” she said, her voice dripping with disdain. “I no longer feel comfortable in your presence. Now leave me alone.”

Brixton did not leave though, he kept pace with her as she stormed down the corridor, sending people scurrying out of their way to avoid being run over.

“My Lady--”

“I said, get away from me, Brixton,” she roared. “Get away from me right this instant!”

Brixton’s face colored with anger and embarrassment, but he did as she said, after a fashion. He would no more abandon his duty than disobey his Lord. And Ivy knew that until Castor officially relieved him of that duty - which she would ensure he did - Brixton would continue shadowing her wherever she went. It was just another reminder to her that she had no power or authority in anything--that her words were empty, and that she had no control over the affairs of her life.

She barged through the doors of Castor’s bedchamber so hard, they crashed into the stone walls behind them. Castor gave a start, but when he turned around and saw her standing there, he rolled his eyes and sighed.

“Is such a dramatic entrance necessary, Sister?”

“My Lord, I had asked her--”

Ivy rounded on Brixton, her face a mask of fury. “Get out of here,” she hissed. “I told you to leave me alone, so get out of this chamber.”

Brixton backed up a few steps in the onslaught of her anger. He looked to Castor for instruction apparently, which sent her into another fit of rage. She planted her hands on Brixton’s chest and pushed him backward. Not wanting to lay a hand on her, he retreated until he was standing in the corridor. Ivy grabbed hold of the doors and slammed them in his face before rounding on her brother.

“I want him out of my life,” she seethed.

“You need a guardian watching over you,” Castor replied. “Now more than ever, it seems, with all of these assassins running amok.”

“I refuse to have Brixton watch over me any longer. I want him removed.”

Castor waved her off. “Fine, fine,” he said. “I will find somebody else to assume the honor of guarding you.”