“With me,” he said.

Together, they strode through the halls, weaving around the gathered men as they went. They were still enraged, but the murderous energy that had infused the crowd earlier was slowly starting to bleed away as cooler heads prevailed. For that, Fin was grateful.

Hollis followed him into the office and shut the door behind them as Fin turned and leaned against the desk, folding his arms over his chest. A frown pulled the corners of his mouth down as he tried to sort everything out in his own mind. So much had happened, and the sun was not even up yet.

“Tis goin’ tae be a long day,” Fin said.

Hollis nodded. “Aye. Certainly seems tae be startin’ that way.”

Fin filled him in on everything that had happened, telling him about seeing Castor in the garden with the mystery man. He went on to share his theory that the man he’d seen Castor with was the same man who had murdered Marcus and had tried to assassinate the Duke.

“Tis a fine story,” he said. “But how are ye goin’ tae prove it?”

“That’s the problem,” Fin said. “I need him tae confess and name the man pullin’ thae strings.”

Hollis chuffed. “Good luck with that,” he said. “We couldnae even get Marcus tae tell us. And he was scared.”

“Then I’ll have tae make sure the assassin kens that I’m much scarier than the man he’s protectin’.”

Hollis sighed and stroked his beard as he thought about it. Fin didn’t know how he would convince the assassin that he was scarier than whoever he was protecting. He had no leverage. And the man pulling the strings did. It was probably the same threat he had used on Marcus - that he would kill his entire family if he did not do as he was told.

“I need ye tae dae somethin’ for me, Hollis.”


“I need ye tae get back tae Westmarch Hall,” Fin said. “If they took another run at the Duke, they may try takin’ another run at Col’n Gillian tae. I want tae make sure they’re protected’n ken what’s happenin’ down here.”

Hollis hesitated. “I daenae like the idea of leavin’ ye here alone.”

“I’m a big boy,” Fin replied. “I can take care of ma self.”

Hollis sighed. “All right,” he finally said. “But once I ken things at Westmarch’re fine, I’m comin’ back here.”

Fin nodded. “Good. That’s good.”

“Just keep yer arse out of trouble ‘til I get back.”

“I’ll dae me best.”

Hollis grinned. “Daenae forget, I ken ye,” he said. “So dae better than that.”