It was the sort of education that Ivy was secretly envious of. She had a thirst for learning and knowledge that went far beyond the staid books her tutors provided. She had always felt that sort of education was sanitized and that she was only given the knowledge they felt a “proper lady” should be given. But Ivy had always longed for more. She wanted to know the things Fin knew about life and the world around her. It was knowledge she desired, but knowledge she was also afraid to attain on her own.

“Well, I suppose I should be--”

“Would ye walk with me a while?” Fin asked, his voice taking on a strange tone.

She looked up at him and saw that he looked somewhat self-conscious and - shy. At least, shy in a manner of speaking. It was strange to see and hear him in that state. Though she had only known him a short time, she knew that Fin was confident and self-assured. He was not a man given to doubts or a lack of self-esteem. While she would not go so far as to label him arrogant, not in the same way Castor was, the big Scotsman definitely thought highly of himself.

His confidence seemed rooted in his belief in who he was. Fin seemed the sort of man who knew his strengths - and his weaknesses. And he never hid from either. To Ivy, he seemed to embrace those things he did well and to learn from those things he did not do as well. And she found that to not only be an honorable quality to have but one that made him even more attractive.

If I was attracted to him in that way. Which I am not.

She blushed as the thought passed through her mind, and a wavering smile touched her lips. Fin looked at her curiously for a moment, which only deepened the color in her cheeks.

“Yes,” she said. “I think a nice walk would do me some good this morning.”

Fin gave her a gentle smile and nodded. “Aye. Tis a fine mornin’ for it.”

She followed Fin through the corridors of the castle and down through the bailey. Neither of them spoke, but to Ivy, it felt like the air around them was filled with the weight of words left unsaid. It was slightly tense and awkward, but Ivy felt a thread of comfort wrapped around it all. It was surprising to her, but she enjoyed being with Fin - deep in conversation or not.

They walked through the front gates and out into the town that surrounded the castle. The sky overhead was filled with patchy, fluffy clouds, and the day was slightly warm, though a cool breeze blew in, keeping the temperature comfortable. The sun darted in and out behind the clouds, and the world around them went from light to dark and back again.

“Is Elix like this?” Fin asked, finally breaking the ice. “Is it this big? Have this many people?”

Ivy shook her head. “Oh, no. We’re a very small barony,” she told him. “I would be surprised if we had half the people York does. And our market is definitely much smaller.”

Fin gave a rueful laugh. “Aye. Same is true for us out in the West March,” he said. “We’ve more people movin’ intae the area, but tis much smaller.”

“Elix was much larger once upon a time,” she said. “But our father made some very bad decisions.”

“That is unfortunate,” he replied. “I’m sorry tae hear that.”

She shrugged. “It is in the past, and nothing can be done about it now. The only regret I have is that our market has dwindled,” she said and then brightened. “But, it gives me more of a reason to come to York.”

They strolled through the market, and Ivy inhaled deeply. The rich aromas from the vendors selling a hundred different foods made her mouth water, and she found herself suddenly regretting skipping breakfast that morning.

“Are ye hungry?” Fin asked.

She gave him a shy smile. “My stomach was just reminding me that I had not eaten breakfast.”

“Aye, I ken. Twas a positively beastly sound,” he said. “Scared me, it did. Kent for sure a wolf was comin’ tae eat me.”

Ivy howled in laughter and slapped him playfully on the shoulder, making him smile wolfishly at her. Together, they walked through the market before deciding on a couple of meat pies. They took them to an area where they were able to sit and enjoy their meals.

As they ate, they talked a lot about their lives and swapped stories, some that had Ivy rolling with laughter, and others that brought her to the verge of tears. She was right in believing that Fin was a complicated man with a lot of different layers to him. He was like an onion in that when she peeled back one layer, there were many other layers underneath. She found him fascinating.

“So, have you made any headway with finding the assassin?” she asked.

Fin frowned and shook his head. “Nay. Nothing specific yet.”

“Well, I am sure if there is something to be found, you will find it.”

He gave her a wry smile. “I hope yer right.”

“I am,” she said, confident in her answer. “I am certain of it.”

“Well, that makes one of us then.”

“Do not make the mistake of underestimating yourself,” she said.