“Have ye seen anybody else pickin’ it?”

She shook her head. “No, I haven’t seen anybody out there,” she said. “But I’m not out there very often. Personally, I don’t like handling the monkshood. It’s dangerous.”

Fin felt his stomach sink. Knowing it grew wild was a problem. He scrubbed his face with his hands, his level of frustration growing higher. Fin didn’t know what to ask next, didn’t know where to go with this. He felt lost and entirely out of his depth.

“All right, well, thank ye for yer time,” Fin said. “If ye can think of anythin’ else or hear of somebody toyin’ with monkshood, send for me.”

She nodded. “I will.”

Fin gave her a nod, then turned around and left the shop, his mind full of questions that he had no answers to. He was frustrated and was growing irritable because of it. When he stepped back out into the sunshine, he took a long, deep breath of the unperfumed air. Finally able to breathe clean air again, he looked around and found Hollis sitting on a tree stump, eating something he’d obviously gotten from one of the vendors.

But Fin’s stomach lurched, and his eyes widened slightly when he saw that Hollis was not alone. Standing beside him was none other than Ivy Welton, the Lady of Elix. As if he sensed him, Hollis looked up and waved Fin over. Clearing his throat and trying to control the churning in his gut, he walked over.