“We are lookin’ intae the Duke’s poisonin’,” Fin said. “On orders of the Baron of Westmarch.”

Castor sighed and nodded. “Yes, most disagreeable business this all is,” he replied. “I am glad to see that a couple of very clearly capable men are looking into this, however.”

“Aye. We’ll find who did it,” Fin stated. “And ye? What brings ye tae York?”

“My family has been a longtime ally of Duke Hamilton and his family. The friendship between Welton and Hamilton spans generations,” he said. “When we heard of this awful business, we came immediately to offer support and lend any help we could during this difficult time.”

“Tis very kind of ye,” Fin said.

“It is no less than the Duke would do for my family.”

Fin popped a piece of brandied peach into his mouth and chewed on it thoughtfully as he studied Castor for a long moment. From the corner of his eye, he saw Ivy looking at him, so he turned. She quickly looked away, and though her cheeks glowed red, her face was an icy mask of detachment.

“So, what have you found out so far?” Castor asked. “Are you close to finding out who did this horrible thing to the Duke?”

“We’re lookin’ intae it,” Fin said. “But the Duke wasnae the only target.”

“Oh, no?” Castor arched his eyebrows. “Was somebody else attacked?”

“The assassin tried tae murder the Baron of Westmarch as well.”

Fin narrowed his eyes and watched the Baron of Elix carefully, looking for any sort of a tic or twitch. Some tell that might give him away. Castor was stone-faced, though, and his eyes were full of interest as he looked back at Fin. If he was deceptive, Fin could not see it in the man.

“Instead of the Baron though, twas his wife, the Lady Gillian, that ingested the poison,” Fin said.

Ivy gasped, and her fork dropped onto her plate with a clatter as loud as a cannon-shot in the hall. Castor seemed to blanch and looked stricken as Fin relayed the news. Again, he studied them closely, looking for the slightest tell, but saw nothing that would indicate to him that they were lying or were somehow involved. To Fin, they looked as shocked as he was by it all. He cut a glance at Hollis, who, although he was silent around others most of the time, never missed a thing. He was more than observant and seemed to see everything that happened around them.

“Is she - the Lady Gillian…” Castor’s voice trailed off, unable to finish the question.

“She lives. She will recover,” Fin assured them. “Twas an uncertain thing at first, though. Col is half out of his mind with worry.”

“I can only imagine. That is awful, and I’m well pleased that she is recovering,” Ivy said. “The Lady Gillian has always been very kind and generous to my family. And I’ve always thought of her as the sister I never had. She was - is - one of the sweetest people I’ve ever met. She always thinks of others first.”.

“Aye. She’s one of thae finest women I’ve ever known,” Fin agreed.

A strained silence descended over the hall as the four of them turned inward, reflecting on their own thoughts for a moment.

“So, where does your investigation lead you today?” Castor asked.

Fin opened his mouth but hesitated. He was loath to divulge too much about their investigation. Especially this early in its infancy. Fin knew they had very little to go on and even less of an idea of who they could trust. And since he did not know the Baron of Elix, he had not yet earned Fin’s trust.

“Hollis and I are looking intae a couple of things.”

“Is there anything I can assist you with?”

Fin shook his head. “Nay. We can handle it. But thank ye.”

“Of course,” he replied. “But if there is anything I can do, please do not hesitate to let me know.”

“Of course.”

“And also, if it is not too much trouble,” Castor went on, “would you mind keeping me abreast of your findings?”

Fin hesitated, then nodded, wiping his mouth. Breakfast done, he and Hollis stood and headed out. It was going to be a long day.