He ran a hand over his face. “Ye may be right. It could be a coincidence, and that’s what I need tae find out,” he said reasonably. “I need tae gather as much information as I can to find the truth of things.”

“It almost sounds to me as if you have already determined the truth of things.”

Fin shook his head. “I’m willin’ tae be proven wrong. I’d be happy tae be proven wrong,” he explained. “If yer braither had nothin’ tae dae with it, I’ll happily tell the Duke that. But I need tae know for sure, whether he was or wasnae involved.”

Ivy pursed her lips and looked back down at her lap. She wrung her hands together nervously, and Fin could feel the distress radiating from her like heat from a hearth. And she did not look convinced.

“Tis nae a witch hunt for yer braither, Ivy,” he urged. “I just need tae find the truth. And if Castor had nothin’ tae dae with it, so be it.”

Ivy looked at Fin for a long moment, her eyes narrowed and her jaw set. She had that look of stubbornness about her that Fin found endearing.

“So… you are willing to admit you were wrong if the facts do not bear out your belief that Castor is guilty?”

Fin nodded. “Aye. All I’m searchin’ for is the truth,” he replied. “No matter where it leads me.”

Ivy pursed her lips and nodded. She still looked dubious, still torn and conflicted. But he also saw a steely resolve flare to life in her eyes. She looked up at him and nodded, the decision made in her own mind.

“I would like to know the truth, as well. No matter what,” she said. “I believe that Gillian and the Duke deserve no less.”

“Ye arenae wrong. I want tae find out who’s behind this and have their heads off for what they did tae Gillian.”

Ivy gave him a small nod. “Then, I want to help.”