“Of course,” he replied, then cast a look over at Ivy. “I believe my sister can show you to your quarters.”

“Of course,” Ivy replied.

Fin gave him a nod and turned away, crossing the chamber as Castor’s men immediately descended upon him. They began whispering in urgent, hushed tones and cutting glances his way, which piqued his curiosity.

“You certainly seem to be an object of some curiosity with my brother’s advisers,” she says.

“Aye. Mebbe they never seen a man as handsome as me b’fore,” Fin grinned.

Ivy stifled a grin, but the golden-haired woman with her, could not hold back a laugh. It echoed around the chamber, drawing the attention of Castor and his advisers. After looking at them for a moment, they turned back to their huddle, and Ivy turned back to him with a mischievous grin on her face.

“Fin, I would like you to meet my oldest and dearest friend. This is Mira. She is also my handmaiden,” Ivy said. “Though, to be honest, we have been together so long, it almost feels more like we are sisters.”

Mira offered him a slight curtsy and a smile, and Fin inclined his head, returning her greeting.

“Tis nice tae meet ye,” Fin said.

He cut a glance back at Castor and his advisers who remained standing close together, their conversation growing animated. Whatever they were discussing was apparently a matter of some importance.

“Let us leave my brother to his whispers and secrets,” Ivy said, sounding bored.

Fin followed Ivy through the door and down a long corridor. Mira glanced over her shoulder at him, and when he caught her looking, her face flushed scarlet, and she turned away quickly. She whispered something to Ivy, too low for him to hear, then peeled off and strode down a hallway, leaving them alone.

Fin quickened his pace and fell into step beside her, the sound of his heavy boots echoing through the corridor around them. The silence between them was thick. Heavy. It seemed to have a physical weight, and Fin felt it pressing down on him. He recognized it as the weight of unspoken words between them. Fin cleared his throat and cast a glance at her.

“Y - ye look beautiful,” he said, cringing at the strained awkwardness he heard in his own voice. “The dress… the color looks wild on ye.”

“Oh… thank you,” she replied as her cheeks flared with color. “Y - you look very nice as well.”

Fin gave her a cocksure grin. “Aye. I dae look fine, daenae I?” he chuckled. “What, for somebody who’s been on the road for most of a day, anyway.”

Ivy gave him a small smile. “Yes, well, let me see to your chambers straight away,” she said. “Once you refresh yourself, perhaps I can show you the rest of the castle.”

“That sounds fine tae me.”

Ivy led him through a warren of corridors, turning one way, then another. She finally stopped at a heavy oak door and pushed it open, then stepped aside. Fin walked into the room while Ivy lingered at the doorway.

“I will send the staff in to help prepare your room,” she said. “I’ll have some warm water, and a washbasin sent as well.”

“Thank ye.”

She shifted on her feet and wrung her hands together, dropping her gaze to the floor. Ivy gnawed on her bottom lip, uncertainty etched into her every feature.

“I will return in a little while to fetch you for dinner,” she said. “We can tour the grounds after that.”

“That sounds like a plan tae me.”

Ivy lingered for another moment and looked like she had something else to say, but she seemed to swallow it down and gave him a nod before turning and walking away. Fin watched her go, admiring the way her dress clung to her curves, making them even more appealing. A smile touched his lips, and he felt a stirring down deep inside of him.

He tore his gaze away from Ivy’s backside and cleared his throat before turning and walking back into the chamber. He looked around and thought it looked very similar to the chambers he was using at York - and to his chambers back at Westmarch Hall. It was very utilitarian. Four stone walls, a bed, desk and chair, a sitting table with two chairs, a large hearth, and a floor covered in furs.

He set his bag down on the table as a small army of servants came into his chamber and began to freshen it up. They moved through like a whirlwind, changing the bedding, opening the shutters to let the sunlight in, and lighting candles and incense to make the smell of must and disuse disappear.

“Will there be anything else, My Lord?” A young chambermaid gave him a curtsy and a smile.

“Nay. This is fine,” he replied. “Thank ye.”

She nodded and ushered the rest of the staff out of the room, closing the door behind them on their way out, leaving him alone to get himself washed up as well as a little bit of rest before Ivy came back for him.