Kin laughed, even as it hurt to do so.

“You were a rather lax jailer, not like our friend in the dungeons. I snuck away from you on several occasions,” he said, winking at Cillian, who sighed.

“Then I must try harder next time,” he replied before nodding to them with a smile and leaving the room.

Kin and Murdina were left alone, and he held out his hand to her, a smile coming over his face.

“Dearest Murdina, how blessed I am to have you here with me,” he said, and she took his hand and raised it to her lips.

“I have just been with Aoife–we all of us went to the grave. My father is… changed. He told me he will nae stand in the way of us if… well,” she said, her words trailing off, and Murdina nodded.

“Do you want me to stay?” he asked, and her eyes grew wide and fearful.

“I never want you to leave,” she replied, and he nodded, squeezing her hand in his.

“Then I will not leave–I will stay here forever, and the two of us can be happy,” he replied, smiling up at her as she put her arms around him and kissed him.

“That is all I want,” she whispered, and now she climbed onto the bed and lay down next to him.

He put his arms around her, their lips meeting once again, and together they fell into a deep sleep, the sleep of two who had endured much together and are now at peace…

* * *

It took several weeks for Kin’s injuries to heal, and though he insisted he was feeling better, Murdina took no chances with his recovery. She was diligent in her vigil, remaining at his side morning, noon, and night. Cillian took his turn, too, and between them, they nursed Kin back to health. It was now three weeks after the day of reckoning, and Murdoch and Iver had been taken from the castle and banished far into the north, now held prisoner by Jacobite sympathizers in the Highlands. The clan was at peace, and Murdina was grateful to her father for offering no barrier to her blossoming relationship with Kin.

“A step forward, and then another,” she said, holding out her hands.

She and Kin had come to the castle gardens that morning so that he might try walking in the fresh air, having been carried there by several of the clansmen on a chair. He shook his head and laughed as he took a few steps forward, almost stumbling, as Murdina caught him by the hands.

“I can walk perfectly well,” he said, and now Murdina laughed and held up her hands.

“Very well, dae so then,” she said, and Kin straightened up, stepping forward and overbalancing as he did so.

He fell into a nearby lavender bush, and Murdina rushed forward to help him.

“Kin are ye…” she began, but he looked up at her and laughed, pulling her down into his embrace and kissing her.

“I fooled ye,” he said, scrambling to his feet.

“Ye devil!” she exclaimed as he dodged her hand, which she raised to slap him with.

“I have been practicing with Cillian–I am quite capable of walking,” he said, and she scowled at him, even as she tried hard not to laugh.

“Then he shall feel my wrath, too. Ye are both devils,” she said, shaking her head.

Kin winked at her, and her scowl turned to a smile as he held out his arms to embrace her.

“I only wanted to surprise you. See, I can walk almost normally,” he said, taking a few steps forward and putting his arms around her.

“Tis’ a remarkable recovery,” she said, and he nodded.

“But all thanks to you. I could never have hoped to recover like this if not for you. You have been ever diligent in your ministrations,” he said, kissing her on the lips.

“I owe ye everythin’–as does this family and this clan,” she replied.

To see Kin as the man she had known before, recovered in his strength, and to feel his arms around her brought such joy to Murdina that she could not help but kiss him again. She would gladly have remained in his arms forever, grateful to him for all he had done.

“We have a cause worth fighting for, one which…” he began, but he was suddenly interrupted by a voice from behind.