“I only wish I could remember more about it–what it stands for, what lock the key fits, and the symbolism of the coin, the…” he began, but Murdina interrupted him.

She had suddenly become aware they were not alone. She grabbed Kin by the arm and pointed to a figure, his face obscured by his black hooded cloak, who was standing watching them a short distance away.

“Hail, friend,” she said, for though his appearance had startled her, Murdina was not afraid, her hand going to her sword hilt.

“Ye came over with the boatman, with Longtooth?” he said, and Murdina nodded.

“Aye, and what business is that of yers?” she asked.

Kin now stepped forward and held up his hands.

“We are nae yer enemy, friend,” he said, adopting his brogue again, but the man only peered at them from beneath his hood and muttered something inaudible.

“We are makin’ for Tobermory. Dae ye know of an inn there we might stay at? We are visitin’ family, but tis’ too late in the day to make our way across the island,” Murdina said.

She was growing impatient with the man, but now he stepped forward and pointed in along the path running along the clifftop.

“I know why ye are here, the knot, but tis’ too dangerous to speak of it now. Meet me at the circle of stones tonight at midnight,” he said, and Murdina looked at him in astonishment.

“How dae ye know…” she began, as Kin now advanced towards the man, who turned on his heels and fled.

“Extraordinary,” Kin whispered, and Murdina shivered, watching as the man disappeared along the path and out of sight.

“How did he know who we were, or about the knot? Nay one knows about that,” she said, as Kin now returned to her side.

“But we do not know that. There may be many who know about the knot–this whole island may be waiting for my arrival, even if I have no idea as to my purpose. But come now, we should make our way to Tobermory and maintain the pretense of being married. But we must keep our wits about us and trust no one,” he said, beckoning her to follow him along the path.

Murdina was worried. She did not know whom she could trust, and the words the man had spoken had struck fear into her heart. Were they really to trust him? Would they meet him at this mysterious stone circle?

“But what if tis’ a trap?” she said, and he turned to her and shrugged.

“Perhaps this is all a trap, Murdina,” he replied, and Murdina had no choice but to agree.