“Fools, all of ye,” he snarled.
“Ye… ye are traitor,” Murdina’s father exclaimed, and Murdoch shook his head.
“Yer cause is over, old man, and soon ye shall be crushed. The rightful king sits on the throne, and tis’ only a matter of time before the pretender is put to death–along with all of ye,” he said, pointing his finger around the chapel.
Several men who had first drawn their swords now stepped forward, and Murdina held out the ring, as they, too, showed those they wore.
“Ye have the proof of their guilt?” one of them said, and Murdina nodded.
“Kin knows the truth–this is his ring, and if my father will only release him, then it shall be known,” she said.
“Let my daughter go, ye cannae….” Murdina’s father began, but Iver only laughed and pressed the knife closer to Freya’s throat.
“Let her be my guarantee. She shall come with us and secure our safe passage,” he said, and before anyone could reply, he dragged Freya from the altar steps, followed by Murdoch, the three of them hurrying from the chapel, as the others looked helplessly on.
Murdoch and Iver’s supporters were soon subdued, and the ring was handed to the priest, who revealed himself as a close friend of Gilroy MacFlinn.
“We have long suspected Murdoch and Iver of bein’ traitors to our cause. But until now, we couldnae prove as such. But the ring–if ye had the ring, that meant ye knew somethin’ and that yer words were nae just idle,” he said, as Murdina produced the letters, handing them round to the other members of the brotherhood.
There were eight there in total, noble lairds, men of distinction and courage, all of whom had sworn their allegiance to the knot and its intention of safeguarding the Jacobite cause.
“But this was the evidence we needed,” one of them said as they thanked Murdina for revealing the truth.
“But what about Freya? There is nay time to stand by idly and wait,” Murdina said, anxious to go after her sister.
“He would kill yer sister and think nothin’ of it. We cannae ride out in force, nae when she is in such danger. But he will nae harm her, so long as he needs her for his escape. Tis’ nae an army who will win this fight, but… ye say Kin is here?” the priest said, and Murdina nodded.
“My father has him locked in the dungeons,” she said, glancing at her father, who appeared in complete shock as to the events which had unfolded that day.
“Then see him released–he and Murdoch have unfinished business. Let him follow; his hour has come,” he said.
“And if he goes, I go with him,” Murdina replied.
“I… I was wrong… I am sorry, Murdina,” her father said, looking up at her with tears in his eyes.
“And I am sorry if I have caused ye upset, Father. I did nae mean to. But the thought of…” she began, but he shook his head and came to put his arms around her.
“I have already lost one of my daughters. I thought I had lost ye, too, and now… oh, God, what a fool I have been. I cannae lose Freya, ye must go… ye must take Kin with ye. I see that now,” he said, and she nodded.
“We will bring Freya back, Father, and we shall see ourselves avenged on those wicked men,” she said.
There was no time to lose now, and Murdina and the others hurried from the chapel, making their way across the courtyard to the dungeons. The castle gates lay open, and it seemed the birds had flown. Murdina’s father called out to the jailer, who emerged from the dungeons with a look of surprise on his face.
“Laird, what is this commotion?” he asked.
“Release the prisoner, release Kin,” the laird said, and the jailer’s eyes grew wide with astonishment.
“Release him? But he is to be hanged,” he said, but Murdina’s father shook his head.
“Nay, he is to be released and armed. There is nay time to lose,” he said, and reluctantly, the jailer returned to the dungeons.
A few moments later, Kin emerged. He blinked in the sunlight, gazing around him in surprise at the assembled party. Murdina ran to greet him, throwing her arms around him and kissing him.
“Tis’ all right, they believed me–the ring proved it. See, these men, they are of the order. But there is nay time to lose,” she said, and quickly she explained what had happened in the castle chapel during the wedding ceremony.
“And they have fled with your sister? Treacherous devils. We must get after them,” he said, but now, Murdina’s father stepped forward and raised his hand.
“I must apologize to ye, Kin. I doubted ye. I thought ye were the traitor, the spy, the adversary. But ye were all ye said ye were, and I thank ye for what ye have done and for what ye will dae for my daughters,” he said, bowing his head to Kin who nodded.
“I bear you no grudge, sir. You did what any man would do. You took care of your family. But you must allow us to do the same now. Come, Murdina, we must hurry!” he said as horses were brought and their weapons returned.
“God speed to ye both,” the priest called out, as now Murdina and Kin charged out of the courtyard on horseback, their swords drawn, ready for the fight to come…