“As ye wish, laird,” Murdoch replied, and he took Murdina by the arm and led her away.

Her chambers lay on the floor below, and they took the servant’s staircase, Murdina struggling in Murdoch’s iron grip. But when they were alone, the stairwell lit by a flaming torch, he turned to her, his face twisted with anger.

“Say nothin’ if ye value yer life,” he snarled.

“Ye are nothin’ but a traitor, a coward. Ye and yer fiendish companion. Ye would subject my sister to yer wickedness and for what?” she replied, her eyes aflame with anger.

“Ye know nothin’ of it,” he replied, pushing her roughly down the steps.

“I know ye are a traitor and that soon ye will be exposed as such. The sword of Damocles is hangin’ over ye–dae ye think we are the only ones to know the truth?” she asked.

“Tis’ a truth ye should keep to yerself if ye value yer lives,” Murdoch replied, and he said no more, dragging her to her chambers and forcing her inside.

He slammed the door behind and turned the key in the lock, leaving Murdina in darkness. She found her way to the bed and lay down, tears welling up in her eyes. But at that moment, she remembered the letters–the proof which was needed–and which she had hidden in her underclothes after she and Kin had left the cave on Mull. She pulled them out triumphantly and hid them beneath the mattress. The proof would be shown, her father would believe, and perhaps even the wedding might still be averted. She thought of Kin, languishing now in the dungeons, but despite their predicament, Murdina knew that truth was on their side, and with that in mind, she lay down to sleep, determined to do all she could to bring that truth to the fore.