Terrible thoughts now crowded her mind–her sister, poor, naïve Freya, seduced by a man who was nothing but an English spy, a traitor to their cause. He had wormed his way into her father’s affections, gained his trust, and all for…
“We must do something, quickly,” Kin exclaimed, but Gilroy held up his hands for calm.
“Ye can dae nothin’ tonight, save learn more of the truth. Tomorrow, ye may find a boat in Tobermory to sail ye south to the Mull of Kilchurn. I will come with ye, but ye shouldnae expect a welcome return. The laird–Murdina’s father–must surely believe ye are the one at fault, Kin, and he will hold ye responsible for abductin’ his daughter. Caution–I urge caution,” he said.
“But I cannae just stand by and see my sister married to a traitor. What if he cuts her throat? And my father’s? What if even now….” Murdina exclaimed, the full horror of possibility hitting her
She found Freya a trying and difficult person to get along with. But she was her sister, and she loved her–despite their differences. The thought of what might happen, of what might already have happened, filled her with dread, and if she could have fled the island at that very moment, she would have done. Gone were all thoughts of escape, of challenging her father’s authority–family mattered, her clan mattered, and Murdina would not rest until she had warned them of this danger.
“Gilroy is right, Murdina. We must go back to the inn and rest. Tomorrow, we can take a boat to the south. It will be quicker than making the journey across land again. Come now, it is growing late. There is much to think about–much to remember. But the truth is known, and we can use that truth to further a right cause. Revenge will be sweet. We shall take some of these letters as proof of what we say,” he said, handing several of the scrolls to Murdina before closing the chest and locking it, pocketing the key, and turning to Gilroy, who nodded.
“Wise is yer counsel, and loyal is yer companion, go now, and see to it that the mission which is now yers I fulfilled,” Gilroy said, and Murdina nodded, brushing the tears from her eyes.
“Ye would come back with me?” she asked, and Kin nodded.
“Ye have come this far with me, ye have trusted me even when the truth was veiled–I owe ye more than I can say,” he said, and putting his arm around her, he led from the cave out into the night, the truth now known and the future lying dangerously ahead.