“Ye have some purpose. I am certain of it. Ye have been trusted with a great weight, and together we shall find the truth–however terrible it might be,” she replied.

“Then we shall go to the standing stones tonight and meet our mysterious benefactor. But we must be wary and flee at the first sign of danger. A spy does not fight unless he has to,” Kin said.

“I have enjoyed comin’ to know a spy–even a spy who cannae remember what he is to spy. Ye are quite different from the others,” she said, and he smiled.

“I am English,” he replied, as though that were an adequate explanation.

“I have met Englishmen before–they are nae like ye,” she replied, and he laughed.

“Then perhaps I am a Jacobite after all. There are many Englishmen who would not wish the Hanoverian pretender to occupy the throne,” he replied, rising to his feet, and crossing to peer out of the window.

Rain was falling in sheets, the wind howling around the inn. But the upper room, with its fire and warm, inviting bed, was comfortable–a refuge from the world they had journeyed through to reach it. Murdina rose from her chair and came to stand next to him. The moon was just visible through the blanket of clouds, and the little light it cast showed the turbulence of the sea below, which had whipped itself up into a frenzy, the waves crashing on the rocks, the swell of the water rising and falling. Any boat would be dragged under, and it was no wonder, Murdina thought to herself, that their crossing had brought back memories for Kin of that fateful, stormy night.

“I think ye were comin’ here on that ship. And I think ye have been here before, even if ye cannae remember so,” Murdina said, hoping the firmness of her conviction might be enough to consolidate his memories further.

“You may be right. Perhaps we shall discover everything tonight–or have our throats cut for our curiosity,” he said, shaking his head and pulling across the drapes over the window.

She smiled at him and put her arms around him. His mind had been so preoccupied, but there was nothing for it now but to wait and see what would come next. They could do nothing save enjoy one another’s company, and now he kissed her, pulling her closer into his embrace.

“I am sorry I have seemed distant these past few days. It is hard not to remember,” he said, but she shushed him, placing her finger on his lips.

“Tis’ nothin’ ye have done. I would be the same–I want to know the truth about ye, too. Really, I do,” she said, and he smiled.

“You know some of the truth, and there is no denying the truth of this,” he said, and he kissed her again, a shiver running through her at his touch.

Her thoughts went back to the moment they had shared on the rock in the center of the pool. Then, her skin had tingled at his touch, but now that caress felt warm, and he brought his lips to her neck, tracing a line with his kiss, pulling her more tightly into his arms. Her desire was rising, that same feeling of need, that delight in the tenderness of union. She could feel him stiffen against her, and she pulled at his waistcoat, exposing his chest, as now he led her to the bed built into an alcove in the wall, a drape hanging down from above.

“Tis’ a truth I am only too happy to acknowledge,” she whispered, as now they lay down together, their bodies entwined.

He pulled off his breeches, and Murdina slipped out of her dress, throwing it to the floor, as now they kissed again, his hands running over her body, searching her out. With a gasp, she felt his touch against her, flooding her with an intensity that caused her to cry out in delight, their lips meeting as now he pulled her closer. Murdina knew what was coming. She wanted it, even as the prospect filled her with trepidation. She gazed down at him, straddling him, his hands now running up the course of her body, pulling her towards him.

“Do you want it?” he whispered, and she nodded, readying herself for a sensation she had so far only dreamed of.

She had heard it spoken of by married women but wished to know it for herself. She had imagined it, longed for it, even, but now…

“Oh…” she gasped as he entered her, her whole body filled with a sensation of pleasure and pain.

He was gentle, easing himself forward, his full length becoming hers, their bodies as one. She gasped, biting her lip, unable to tell where the pain ended, and the pleasure began. But she knew she wanted this, to share those delights, to make him hers. She gasped again, digging her fingers into his shoulders, as now, he rose and rolled her onto her back, taking his position over her so that he might more easily be as one with her.

“Are you all right?” he said, smiling down at her, and she nodded, biting on her lip, as now his movements began.

She clung to him, a feeling of warmth rising through her, flooding her with such ecstasy as to be quite overwhelming. She could think of nothing but the moment, of the pleasure they now shared. The heat was rising in her–the pain was gone, replaced only by pleasure, a pleasure built with every movement he made. She raised her legs, wrapping them around him, holding him and pulling him closer to her, so that with every movement, she felt a new heightening of pleasure.

“Kin…” she gasped, digging her nails into his shoulders as a sudden flood of ecstasy burst through her.

She had never known such a sensation before, the feeling of being completely overwhelmed by pleasure. She gasped, falling back, as now his movements became quicker, his own pleasure rising. The look on his face was of intense concentration, and with a sudden cry, she felt him flood her with his seed as he collapsed into her embrace, kissing her with such passion, the last of his thrusts rousing her pleasure once more.

“Did you… did you enjoy that?” he whispered, and she smiled.

“I did,” she replied, her arms around his neck.

He kissed her again, and she rested her head on his chest as they rolled onto their sides, and Kin pulled the blankets over them.

“And how are we to pass the remaining hours?” he whispered, and she felt him stiffen against her again.

“I could think of somethin’ we could dae…” she replied, her hand running down his body, as she pulled herself into his embrace once more…