“It seems I have not forgotten how to swim,” he said, and she smiled.
“Then I wonder what else ye remember. Our kiss, perhaps?” she asked, enjoying the sensation of teasing him with such delightful thoughts.
“I had not forgotten it. It has been on my mind a great deal, as have you. I was all set to leave the castle last night alone, to make my escape in secret, but… it was the thought of you which held me back,” he said, and she put her arms around him and pulled herself closer into his embrace.
The effects of the whisky had removed any inhibitions she might have had, and with their bodies entwined, a shiver ran through her–not of cold, but of heat, the shiver of delight which comes from knowing the closeness of another and the memory of past pleasures.
“But why? Did ye feel sorry for me?” she asked, kicking out strongly to keep herself afloat.
“You can look after yourself, of that, I am certain. You do not need a man–let alone one with no memory–to do that. No, I wanted you to come with me. I wanted to be with you,” he replied, tilting his head to one side, their eyes meeting, their lips only inches apart.
“And I felt the same about ye. I did nae believe ye were a spy or an enemy. Ye are for our cause, though what good it will dae, I dae nae know,” she admitted, letting go of his shoulders and floating onto her back.
He floated next to her, and she slipped her hand into his, the two of them gazing up at the stars above.
“Do you not believe in the Jacobite cause?” he asked, and she pondered for a moment.
It was not that she liked the Hanoverians or what they represented, but neither could she summon much enthusiasm for a cause that was so clearly coming to an end. There was no popular support, merely romantic views of a world long since gone–a world which would never be restored.
“Tis’ nae I daenae believe in it–tis’ here to stay, and I have spent my life in its midst. But am I unhappy under the Hanoverian pretender? Well, I am nay less unhappy than if the Bonnie Prince were to rule over us; perhaps they are all pretenders,” she said, turning on her side and swimming back to the rock in the center of the pool.
Kin followed her, hauling himself up onto the rock alongside her. He was dripping, and Murdina shivered, putting her arms around him–even as he too felt cold.
“It is still too early for swimming,” he said, and she laughed.
“I swim in the depths of winter–tis’ clear ye are an Englishman, ye have nay temperament for the northern climes,” she said, and he laughed.
“But having you in my arms is enough to warm my heart a little,” he said, and he leaned forward and kissed her.
This time, there was no surprise, no unexpected moment, only the pleasure of the prolonged sensation of his lips against hers. A warm shiver of delight ran through her body, replacing the chill of the water, and she pulled him closer, their bodies entwined on the rock. His hands ran down her thigh, their lips still pressed together, and suddenly she felt the sensation of him seeking her out, gasping at the intensity of the feeling he now aroused.
“Oh… I,” she exclaimed, and he drew back, looking at her questioningly.
“Did I hurt you?” he asked, and she shook her head.
“Nay, I… I just wasnae expectin’ it–tis’ all. I liked it,” she said, and he smiled.
“Then I hope you will enjoy it further,” he replied, bringing his lips to press against hers, his hand running along the length of her thigh, searching her out with a gentle touch which gave rise to the most extraordinary sensation rising in her loins.
Her whole body was flooded with heat, a heat so intense it roused her to such heights of delight, and she gasped, clutching at him as he brought his own arousal to bear. She clasped at him, causing him to shudder with pleasure, and a feeling of such ecstasy now came over her that she could think of nothing save the pleasure they now shared.
“Tis like–oh, tis’ like nothin’ I have known,” she gasped, for in her dalliances with Cillian, such pleasure had never been hers.
He drew back, his lips now tracing a line to her breasts, kissing her with such passion, his arousal clear to see. With a gasp, his own pleasure now erupted, and she stared at him in astonishment, his face a picture of ecstasy.
“I did not… well, I hope I did not…” he stammered, suddenly, it seemed, appearing terribly embarrassed.
“Ye did only what we both desired,” she replied, and he looked up at her and smiled, leaning forward to kiss her again.
“Then I am glad,” he said, sitting back and gazing out across the still water of the pool.