“I am glad to be out of there,” he said, as several of the clansmen now eyed him suspiciously.

“Ye must make Kin feel comfortable, Cillian. Show him over the castle, and see to it he is given a sword,” Murdina said.

Cillian looked at her somewhat fearfully.

“A sword, too?” he asked, and Murdina nodded.

“Ye heard what my father said–the MacGlens have confirmed he is who he says he is. How else could he have had the letter bearin’ their crest?” she asked, even as she realized her words made her sound naïve.

There was still an air of mystery about Kin, and she knew it would be foolish to trust him fully. But his claim to be for their cause and the message from the north were enough to still her doubts, if not entirely eradicate them. Besides, he had promised to help her, and she intended to hold him to it.

“Very well, I shall go to the armory. Wait here a moment,” Cillian said, and he hurried off across the courtyard, leaving Murdina and Kin alone.

“Thank you,” he said, and she nodded.

“Ye have nae forgotten yer promise, have ye? We will fight together– I want to see yer swordsmanship,” she said, and he smiled.

“And where will we do this?” he asked, glancing around the courtyard which, at that moment, was filled with clansmen going about their daily business.

“Oh, I have an idea,” Murdina said, smiling at him, just as Cillian came hurrying back across the courtyard.

“Here ye are, though the armorer would only give ye an old sword, nae sharpened,” he said, handing a sheathed sword and belt to Kin, who wrapped it around his waist and nodded.

“Like your father said last night–why should anyone trust me?” he replied.

They made a tour of the castle next, and while Cillian went off to make further arrangements for their guest’s stay, Murdina led Kin up the wide staircase towards the upper floors of the keep. She had found him a set of chambers close to her own and ordered the maids to have them aired out and prepared.

“Ye will find us, congenial hosts, I am sure,” she said, and Kin laughed.

“Anything is better than the hospitality of you jailer. He is not a man I would wish to cross again,” he replied.

“Ye shall nae have to–ye are one of us,” Murdina replied.

“I am no one, not until I can remember the truth,” he pointed out.

“But ye will remember, I know ye will,” she said, opening the door to what would now be his chambers.

“And you are still set on running away?” he asked.

Murdina blushed. The very mention of their conversation felt like a betrayal, and she could only imagine what her father would say–and do–if he knew the truth. But the thought of marrying Murdoch–of marrying anyone she did not love–was enough to drive Murdina on, and she nodded with a look of grim resolve on her face.

“Ye daenae know the full truth, but, aye, tis’ my intention. My father intends to marry me off, and while my foolish sisters may well find themselves happy to be used as pawns in the Jacobite game, I am nae,” she replied.

“And do you not think I might have something to say about that–if, indeed, I am who I believe myself to be?” he asked.

Murdina shrugged. They both stood to benefit from her plan–Kin would escape the castle and pursue his mission–if he could remember it– and Murdina would be free to go where she pleased and forge a new life for herself out of reach of her father’s intentions.

“Dae ye believe a woman should be forced to marry a man she cannae love?” she asked, turning to him with a pointed expression.

“I do not even know if I am in love, let alone what to do about it if I am,” he replied, just as a knock came at the door.

It was Cillian, and he brought the news that arrangements had been made for Kin to dine in his chambers that night.

“And is he to be locked in here, too?” Murdina asked, exasperated at the thought of their guest still being treated as though he were a prisoner, albeit in a gilded cage.

“Yer father thinks it for the best,” Cillian replied, and Murdina rolled her eyes, frustrated at her father’s lack of trust.

“Then perhaps I will take my meals in here, too,” she said, folding her arms.