“I want to know more about ye,” she said, and Kin now came forward and put his hands on the bars.
“I would like to know more about me,” he replied.
“Well, we know yer name, that ye are soldier, a good fighter, and loyal to a cause–even one ye remember so little of. Tis’ a start,” she said, her mind racing with possibility.
A thought had occurred to her at dinner, and now they were alone; she wanted to test its possibility. Murdina knew to be wary of him, but so far, he had given her no reason to fear him, and now she wondered what would happen if he were to turn from a prisoner into an ally.
“I suppose it is something,” he admitted.
“I fight with the sword–ye may nae think it, but I dae. There are few in this castle to match me as an opponent. How would it be if I were to persuade my father to let ye have a sword so that we might spar?” she asked, and now he put his face to the bars, a curious expression coming over his countenance.
“He would let me out?” he asked, and Murdina shrugged.
“I could ask him, and ye could prove yerself–we shall soon have word from the MacGlens, and perhaps ye will remember more in due course. Tis’ clear ye remember when prompted,” Murdina said, and Kin nodded.
“But why do you want this?” he asked, and Murdina felt her face flush red with embarrassment.
“I need a chance to run away,” she admitted.
Murdina knew her father was still set on her marrying–even if Murdoch McGill would prove to be the traitor Kin had claimed. She would have no choice in the matter, and the more she thought about it, the more she realized her place was no longer in her father’s castle, haunted by the memory of her sister, and faced with the bleak prospect of a loveless marriage. If Kin would help her, then she would help him.
“And you think I will come with you?” he asked.
“I think ye shall remember the reason ye came here, and ye shall wish for a chance to make good on yer intentions,” she replied.
He pondered for a moment, then nodded.
“Very well, if you wish it and your father agrees–we shall spar if I am permitted a sword. Then we shall see what kind of opponent you are,” he replied, a smile coming over his face.