Chapter Thirty-One


Aindreas rode faster through the fields. He couldn’t stop smiling brightly even if he tried. Tilting his head back, he smiled up at the stars. He felt giddy with relief, knowing now he didn’t have to marry Sorcha. There was still the lairdship he needed to ascertain, but with one problem solved, he felt as if he could conquer the world.

Turning his gaze forward, he could just make out Castle Lachlan’s walls in the distance, and he slowed his horse, inhaling the fresh scent of the highlands deep into his lungs. The air smelled of grass with a hint of rain. Closing his eyes, he wished to relish in this moment forever. All he needed to do was speak to Laird Cambel. Then there was the matter of the lairdship, but that didn’t matter now that he knew he could take Blair as his bride.

He heard footsteps and mumbling to his left and opened his eyes, finding a figure pacing back and forth in the field. Nudging his horse forward, he frowned as he recognized the bouncing dark curls and the slumped shoulders.

“Daniel,” he called, riding his horse closer.

The other man jerked towards the sound. As Aindreas approached, he noticed his cousin’s dark gaze scowling up at him. With a shake of his head, Daniel turned on his heel and stalked back to his horse.

“Wait, Daniel!” Aindreas shouted while jumping down from his horse. “Where are ye going?”

“Away from ye,” Daniel spat while grabbing his horse’s reins.

Aindreas chuckled, wondering what he was upset with now. It seemed lately his cousin couldn’t stand the sight of him, and he wondered if it had something to do with a green-eyed beauty.

“Why?” he asked while following Daniel. “What have I done now?”

He reached for Daniel’s shoulders but quickly dodged as a fist flew towards him, aimed for his face. Daniel missed, yet the sudden movement made Aindreas stumble in the high grass and nearly land on his bottom.

“What is it now, Daniel?” Aindreas shouted, feeling all patience leave him. “Why are ye attacking me?”

Daniel sniffed, wiping his eyes while bent over. He scowled at Aindreas and shook his head. “Ye,” he muttered, his frown deepening. “Why did ye have to take her away from me?”

Before Aindreas could say anything, Daniel ran towards him, slamming his body into him and knocking them both to the ground.

“Daniel!” Aindreas shouted, holding out his arms to block his cousin’s punches. “Daniel, stop!”

“Why did ye have to steal her away from me?” Daniel shouted, annunciating each word with a punch into Aindreas’s arms. “Ye don’t care for her as I do. Ye just want to hurt her.”

Aindreas grabbed Daniel’s fists before he could resume. “That’s not true,” he said harshly before using all his strength to flip them over.

“Let me go,” Daniel groaned while struggling against Aindreas.

Aindreas straddled his waist. He took hold of Daniel’s hands, his grip tightening as Daniel struggled harder. He planted them into the ground, glaring down at his cousin, whose eyes welled with unshed tears.

“I love her, Daniel,” he said while Daniel continued fighting him. “I tried not to, but she captured my heart. I love her more than the sun loves the moon. I love her more than anyone could ever know, and I vow to pledge my life to her: ensure her happiness. My love for her is more than I could ever have known.”

Daniel’s struggles slowed, and he stared up at Aindreas with sadness in his eyes. He knew his cousin cared for Blair, and he suspected Blair spoke with him. It was the only reason for his cousin’s sudden ire. He felt for the lad, wishing he could do something to take his heartbreak away, but knew there was nothing he could do.

He sighed, his hold relaxing on Daniel’s hands. “Are ye going to attack me?” Aindreas asked.

Daniel shook his head, and Aindreas released his arms, shifting his body off his cousin. He groaned while pushing himself into a standing position. “Two fistfights in one night,” he muttered while dusting the dirt and grass from his legs. “I never knew I had it in me.” He watched Daniel slowly rise from the ground, pulling the leaves and grass from his curly locks.

“I know why the laird wanted ye to marry Blair,” he whispered without looking at Aindreas.

Aindreas stilled, watching Daniel stand and dust off his legs.

“I know yer secret, and I know the laird’s secret.”

“What?” Aindreas breathed, taking a step towards his cousin.

“That night before the laird left, I stumbled upon him in his study.” Daniel shook his head, his eyes narrowing on the grass rustling in the wind. “He had been upset. Ill.” Daniel grimaced. “He had begged me not to say anything, but I demanded to know why. Why he didn’t want anyone to know of his illness, why he was planning to sneak off without any protection.” Daniel lifted his gaze to Aindreas, his bottom lip trembling. He inhaled deeply, trying to control the storm Aindreas saw brewing within his glimmering gaze. “He told me everything,” Daniel rasped.

“Ye know about Blair?” Aindreas whispered while closing the distance between them.