Marcus waited at his side, his stare boring a hole into Aindreas. He couldn’t get his father’s words out of his head. Something was off. His father had been old. His decisions hadn’t been the best, yet it was too easy to blame it on his loss of mind. There had to be a reason why he wanted Aindreas to marry Blair. There had to be a reason why he had brought Blair to Castle Lachlan.

“I need ye to look into something for me,” he said lowly.

Marcus closed the distance between them. Aindreas wrapped an arm around his shoulder, drawing him closer. “What is it, Aindreas?” he asked, worry ebbing his tone. “Is it the MacAlisters? Laird Cambel?”

Aindreas shook his head. “Nothing of the sort. I need ye to look into Blair’s past for me.”

Marcus frowned. “Miss Blair? But why?”

Aindreas stroked his chin, recalling his father’s words. She had never been his father’s mistress, so why had the old man brought her to the castle. What could he possibly get out of bringing an unknown woman, giving her a roof over her head and food in her belly?

“It’s probably nothing,” he said.

“Do ye think she’s a spy?”

Aindreas shook his head. “Not at all. Just have a look, would ye? Report back to me when ye find anything of interest.”

Aindreas’s arm dropped from his shoulder, and Marcus dipped into a bow. “Of course, my laird.”

Aindreas watched him go, wondering if the soldier would find anything. There had to be a reason for his father bringing Blair. He suspected his father knew her family, but he didn’t know how. Usually, his suspicions were correct. Frowning, his hands fisted as he recalled Blair, her emerald green eyes, her long, silky hair, and the way she had looked in Daniel’s arms.