Aindreas stepped towards her, closing the little space between them. His lips twitched upwards into an awkward smile as he stared at her, wanting to nuzzle his nose against hers, breathe in her floral scent.

“I don’t know,” he murmured. “I just want—“

“What are ye doing?”

Aindreas jerked his head towards the voice, his gaze landing on Daniel, staring back at him in horror.

“Unhand her,” he said while stepping towards him, his gaze darkening into an angry glare as it lowered to Aindreas’s hand on Blair's arm.

Daniel’s pace quickened, and he grabbed Aindreas by the collar of his shirt, shoving him away from Blair. He wasn’t nearly as tall as Aindreas nor as strong, but he had the element of surprise on his side. Aindreas felt himself trip over a root, nearly tumbling backward and landing on his bottom. He wobbled on his feet, regaining his balance quickly while turning towards Blair, watching with shock. She held a hand to her mouth while worry furrowed her brow.

“Leave Blair alone,” Daniel said, his voice raised in warning.

Aindreas frowned, his hands fisting. “I wasn’t doing anything,” he growled, his whole body itching to punch Daniel in his smug-looking face.

Daniel tilted his head, smirking while lowering his body into a fighting stance. “It didn’t—p“

“Please stop,” Blair rushed out, running towards them and placing a gentle hand on Aindreas’s shoulder.

Aindreas wanted to grab her hand, lace his fingers with hers and never let her go, but she was already stepping away from him, pulling Daniel away. Daniel scowled back at him while gently turning Blair around, guiding her back towards the door leading into the castle.

“Stay away from her,” Daniel said darkly.

Aindreas stepped forward. “I wasn’t going to—“

“Stay away from her, Aindreas. She doesn’t deserve any more of yer cruelty.”

Aindreas bristled, tempted to run after them and slam his fists into Daniel’s jaw, but he knew no good would come from it. Besides, Daniel was right. Blair didn’t deserve any more cruelty. She was a better match for Daniel than him.

Still, his hands shook as jealousy took hold of his heart. His eyes narrowed on Daniel’s smile, his softening gaze as he stared at Blair.

“Are ye alright, Miss Blair?” he heard Daniel ask while the door closed behind them.

Aindreas ground his teeth, feeling foolish. He promptly turned around, stalking through the garden and towards the courtyard, hoping Marcus was finally up and ready for a good fight. His hand itched for his sword, hating the images of Daniel and Blair assaulting his mind and how good they looked together.