Aindreas laughed, and Blair grimaced, hating the mocking sound of his voice. “How did ye think I was going to take this, Father?”

“Enough!” Laird MacBean shouted. “Not in front of Blair. Not here. In my study. Now!”

Blair watched Aindreas’s hands fist. He turned one last glare upon her before turning on his heel and stalking out of the room. She watched him leave, her gaze taking in his broad shoulders and his thick arms. Her face heated furthermore, and she turned her gaze to Daniel, who was the complete opposite of Aindreas with his dark curls and his gentle gaze. She cursed herself for feeling so attracted to Aindreas, given his bad attitude.

She knew she should stay away from him at all costs.

“Alisa,” Laird MacBean said with a drawn-out sigh. “Can ye please show Blair to her rooms? And have a bath drawn for her.”

Blair stilled. Her gaze shifted to Alisa, who smiled thinly at her. She didn’t like the way the lady looked upon her with disdain in her eyes.

“Of course, my laird,” Alisa said with a graceful curtsy, dipping her head down. Blair wished she had the elegance the lady possessed, feeling as if she had two left feet when she moved compared to the woman before her.

The laird grabbed her hand, making her flinch in fear. He patted her hand tenderly, offering her an awkward smile. “I will meet with ye after I’ve dealt with my son.”

With one final nod in her direction, the laird followed after his disreputable son, leaving her with his meticulous sister-in-law. Blair waited, yet the lady didn’t move. She only stared at Blair as if assessing her next course of action. Blair shrunk under her gaze, feeling smaller and even more pathetic than before. She tugged at her hair, grimacing when she felt a leaf. It must have appeared there when they were traveling, Blair thought while pulling it out of her hair and quickly shoving it into the pocket of her cloak. She wondered briefly what the lady thought of her.

Probably not much, she surmised when Alisa finally turned from her, craning her head at her son.

“Daniel, why don’t ye see to yer duties? I’m sure Marcus is looking for ye.”

“But, Mother, I could help ye with Blair. She will probably want a tour of the castle later.”

“Nae, I think not,” said Alisa quickly. “The girl has had a long journey. She should have her rest, and ye should get to yer duties.”

Daniel nodded solemnly and turned to Blair, dipping into a low bow. “Until we meet again, Miss Blair,” he murmured, smiling at her shyly before briskly walking towards the door behind her.

Blair watched him go, wishing he would stay. The clacking of heels striking the floor came from behind, and she turned, watching Alisa leave towards the far end of the room. Blair picked up her skirts and briskly followed after Alisa as she entered the kitchens, where servants were busy chopping vegetables and cleaning dishes. She dodged several servants rushing past her, carrying platters filled with dirty plates. The girls whispered as she strode by. Several burst into a fit of giggles, making Blair feel worse. She lowered her gaze, trying to ignore their stares and trying not to think about the way she looked.

“How are we on dinner?” she heard Alisa ask while she waited patiently from behind.

“Right on time, my lady,” answered Cook after tasting her soup.

Alisa hummed and continued through the large kitchen, looking over the platters filled with cooked meats and dried cheese. She tasted each before ordering a servant to rewash a cup still dirty with tea leaves.

Blair fidgeted with her fingers, not wanting to interrupt Alisa in her duties, but at the same time wishing she could at least change her attire or have a bath drawn as the laird had promised her on their journey to the castle.

“Excuse me,” she said, her voice cracking on the words as she waited for Alisa to acknowledge her.

Alisa didn’t turn around. The lady ignored her while tasting a berry sauce for the meat. “Absolutely delicious,” she said to one servant girl.

Blair cleared her throat. “Excuse me,” she said, louder this time.

Alisa looked around as if Blair was a bee hovering around her shoulders, buzzing in her ears. She turned around, her eyes widening in mock alarm while she smiled thinly at Blair. “Yer still here?” she asked.

Blair blinked. “Aye, my-my lady.”

“I suppose I shall put ye to work.” Alisa’s bottom lip stuck out in a pout as she searched the kitchen. “Although, I fear there may be no work for ye.”


“Speak plainly, Child. I don’t have all day.” Alisa smiled brightly, yet her eyes were filled with contempt as she stared at Blair, making her feel even more nervous.

“Ye said ye would show me to my rooms.”

“I did?” Alisa tapped her chin. “I’m afraid, my dear, I don’t remember saying any such thing.”

Blair’s stomach twisted, and she felt uneasy as a cruel smile spread across Alisa’s face. She didn’t know who she should fear more, Aindreas or this woman? Tears prickled her eyes as Alisa leaned towards her, stroking her hair away from her face, “And I fear we don’t have any available rooms for ye.”