Chapter Thirty-Three


Blair watched both men from where she sat at Aindreas’s table, too exhausted to move. Day had turned into night and had become day once more. She hadn’t slept at all due to the adrenaline, and she didn’t know if she would be able to rest after everything that had happened.

Blair leaned back in her seat, allowing the past day’s truths to wash over her. The sunlight slipped into the room. The storm from the night before was far gone, as if none of it had ever happened. She blinked. The movement pained her eyes while she sat numbly, not knowing if she should return to her rooms or remain in her seat.

“Yer very lucky it’s only a flesh wound,” said Tavis while dipping the cloth into the washbasin once more, soaking the rag before placing it on Aindreas’s arm. Aindreas hissed, clenching his jaw while smacking his hand against his leg. “Oh, come now,” said Tavis with a sly smile, “it’s not that bad.”

Aindreas scowled at the elderly healer. If Blair weren’t so exhausted, she would probably laugh at their antics. She had hardly seen Tavis and Aindreas in the same room together, and she was beginning to realize it was quite entertaining.

“Have ye ever had a sword slice through yer arm?” Aindreas asked bitterly.

Tavis tilted his head to the side while tugging at his beard. “Now that I think of it, I suppose I haven’t.” He made a face and shook his head. “I don’t think I would much enjoy it. It’s probably a good thing I haven’t.” He nodded his head. “And I’m quite glad for it.”

Aindreas rolled his eyes while Blair stifled a giggle. His gaze swiveled to hers, halting her very breath and making her face flush. His lips curled into a soft smile while Tavis continued to bandage his arm. He grimaced, groaning when Tavis pulled the bindings on his arm.

“Do ye have to tie it so tightly?” he asked, his voice laced with anger.

“Oh, is it too tight for ye, my laird?” Tavis said with a raised eyebrow. “Do ye want me to loosen the bindings, so ye bleed all over the place? I’m sure the maids would fancy scrubbing the stones for ye if ye wish.”

Aindreas made a face. “It’s fine, just leave, will ye.”

Tavis scoffed. “Well, yer very welcome, my laird.” He turned towards Blair and gave her a wink, making her chuckle.

“Thank ye, Tavis,” she said while rising from her chair and following the healer towards the door.

Tavis patted her shoulder. “I’m just glad to know yer alive and well.”

Blair held her smile. Fear still crept through her after the night’s events, yet she didn’t want Tavis to worry. “I appreciate everything ye have done for me.”

Tavis nodded. “Good luck with this one,” he said while nodding towards Aindreas.

With one last knowing look, the healer left, leaving Aindreas and Blair all alone. She slowly turned around, her heart stilling as she met Aindreas’s cerulean orbs. He was still sitting in his bed, looking at her with such love and adoration. She didn’t know what to do with herself. It was perhaps better if she left, but she worried his injury would worsen.

And they had much to discuss.

Aindreas slowly rose, grimacing when he placed his injured arm on the bed to push him up. He groaned, stumbling forwards, and Blair rushed to him, grabbing his shoulders and steadying him. “Are ye alright, my laird?” Blair asked, worry tenting her brows as she watched Aindreas’s face pale. “Should I call for Tavis?” She turned, her gaze on the door, but before she could move, Aindreas grabbed her arm, stopping her from going any further towards it.

“Nae, I will be fine. Please, stay with me.”

Blair slowly turned back around, her gaze lifting to those blue orbs watching her. He took her hands and tugged them towards him, guiding her to sit on the bed next to him. Her gaze returned to her lap, feeling awkward after everything they had been through together. It had been a very long day and night, and she found she couldn’t quite look at him. So much had happened, and she didn’t know what to think. It wasn’t long ago when she had been waiting outside these quarters, wondering why Sorcha was in his rooms, seeing them leave happily together.

However, he was no longer with her. He had come back for her, saved her from what Alisa had planned.

So what did it all mean? She was tempted to ask. Too many questions hung on the tip of her tongue, but she was worried about what the answers would be. She still loved him. He obviously loved her, or else he wouldn’t have come back for her, wouldn’t have fought for her.

But what about Sorcha?

Could they even be together knowing the Cambels wished to marry him to seal their alliance?

“My laird,” she began, but Aindreas’s chuckling made her pause.

“Ye mustn’t call me that,” he whispered while lacing his fingers with hers. “Not when ye have MacBean blood running through ye.”

Blair felt the air leave her. She felt as if time itself had stopped as she gazed into his blue eyes. “MacBean blood?” She shook her head. Even now, it still shocked her. She could hardly believe those words. “It’s still strange to my ears.” Her brow furrowed, her eyes prickling with tears. “I am nae one,” she whispered while shaking her head. “I’m nothing more than a—“

“Yer the laird’s daughter. Ye must know it’s true.” She watched Aindreas frown, shaking his head while turning away from her. “My father told Daniel. He told him he wanted to meet the daughter he never knew. He wanted to meet ye.”