He frowned and quickly closed the door. Perhaps she had gone to his rooms, he thought while rushing down the corridor. Something chilled his flesh, twisting his stomach. His frown deepened when his pace slowed. There was a basket lying on the ground. Wilted herbs were spilled all over the ground. His world tilted as he slowly approached his door, begging the lord above that she was resting on his bed, awaiting him.

But when he opened the door to his quarters, they were empty. He stared at the bed, willing her to appear, wondering why her basket would be abandoned in the corridor. Perhaps she had gone to Tavis’s tower? He wondered, yet even he knew there was something strange with her forgotten basket. Why would she leave it when she knew Tavis would enjoy the herbs.

He felt numb as he left his rooms, not knowing where to go, fear gnawing at the back of his neck. His eyes widened when he heard footsteps thundering through the hall, finding Tavis rushing towards him.

“My laird,” he called, his eyes wide and filled with worry. “My laird, I must speak with ye at once.”

“What is it?” Aindreas asked, a shudder rippling down his spine. There was something in Tavis’s gaze that made the air run cold.

“Something is afoot, my laird,” Tavis gasped as soon as he reached him. “I beg of ye. Ye must find Lady Alisa. I fear—I fear—”

“Catch yer breath, Tavis,” said Aindreas. “Is Lady Alisa ill?”

Tavis shook his head while inhaling deeply. “I saw her with a strange-looking guard carrying something large. It was covered with a tartan.”

Aindreas felt like he was going to be sick. Blair couldn’t be found. Her basket laid forgotten on the floor. Alisa had taken something large and covered with her and a guard.

“I heard her ordering the guard to throw it into the loch. I fear,” Tavis leaned closer, whispering in Aindreas’s ear, “I could not find Blair anywhere. I searched for her when I heard she returned, yet all I found was a broken jar in the tower. I fear Lady Alisa has taken her. I fear she may do something terrible to the lass.”

Aindreas turned on his heel, moving quickly.

“Please find her, my laird!” Tavis shouted after him.

Aindreas scowled as he made his way out to the courtyard. His aunt had gone too far this time. She would pay if any harm came to Blair.