Daniel sniffed and wiped his eyes. “He told me all about Blair.”

Aindreas’s heart stopped. The one secret his father had kept; the one thing he had wanted to know since Blair’s arrival ad Daniel knew all along. His hands fisted as he tried to contain his rage, knowing it would not solve anything. So what if his father had told Daniel. It shouldn’t matter to him, now that Daniel was finally telling him the truth.

Daniel inhaled a shuddering breath while pushing his locks away from his gaze. “Yer father told me about how he fell in love with a maid long ago. He loved her deeply, but Lady Fiona,” Daniel paused, inhaling deeply and lifting his head towards the night sky. “Lady Fiona had her sent away when she discovered the maid was carrying his child.”

“The maid was carrying his child?” he repeated, his voice barely above a whisper. Of course, things like this happened when lairds were unfaithful to their wives, yet he didn’t expect Blair to be his father’s… Aindreas couldn’t even finish the thought. It was too astonishing, yet the more he thought of it, the more it made sense.

If Blair hadn’t been his mistress, why else would he bring her to Castle Lachlan?

Aindreas’s breath stilled. The world felt as if it was tilting. He recalled the day he had stumbled upon his mother crying underneath the tree, how it still haunted him to this day. Was that why lady Fiona had been crying? Because she had sent a mother away? Aindreas understood why his mother did it, even though it was cruel. Laird MacBean had never treated her kindly, and since Lady Fiona had Aindreas, she didn’t have any use for the laird’s bastard child.

Not until now.

“She’s his illegitimate daughter,” Aindreas said, lifting his gaze to Daniel and watching him nod.

“Lady Fiona couldn’t have children, and the thought of caring for the laird’s illegitimate child pained her too much that she had the maid sent away. Yer father never knew Blair. Apparently, her Mamó wrote the laird, telling him of the birth how it had taken his love. How it had given him a daughter.”

“But why did he go then?” Aindreas asked.

Daniel sighed. “His condition worsened, and he feared for the future of the MacBean clan.” Daniel turned to Aindreas. “He always saw ye as laird, but unfortunately ye lacked the blood for it. He always wanted to meet his daughter and thought it would be best if the two of ye married; if the two of ye could care for each other, then not only would the clan be protected, but yer futures.”

Aindreas felt tears prickle his eyes. He had been so cruel to his father, the man who had taken him in. All this time, since the death of Lady Fiona, Aindreas had blamed him: blamed him for her death, for the lack of laird blood running through him. He had blamed him when he should have been thanking him.

The laird had always thought of him.

Aindreas clenched his jaw, feeling as if he was going to break down before his cousin.

“I was going to follow the laird’s orders and ensure the two of ye married, but I fell in love with Blair.” Daniel paused, his voice cracking on the words. “And ye were so cruel to her. I figured I was the better match for her. But I was wrong.” Daniel sighed. “If ye truly love her, then ye should be with her. I won’t stand in yer way.”

“Thank ye, Daniel,” said Aindreas while laying his hand on his cousin’s shoulders. “Yer a good man.”

Daniel nodded while slowly rising. He dusted the grass from his knees before turning towards his horse. He grabbed the reins and mounted swiftly, turning the horse away from the castle. “I wish the both of ye all the happiness in the world, but I hope ye understand, Aindreas, I won’t return for some time. I-I,” Daniel paused, inhaling deeply to calm himself, “I can’t.”

Aindreas frowned, his brows pinching together.

“I need some time away from Castle Lachlan,” Daniel continued. “I can’t-” He grimaced and shook his head. “I need some time to heal.”

Aindreas nodded. “I understand, cousin.”

Daniel forced a smile, yet the sadness still gleamed in his gaze. With one last nod at Aindreas, he kicked his mount forward, riding quickly towards the dirt path. Aindreas watched him as he ran towards the village, not knowing how long he stood there before he finally strode towards his own horse. He mounted it quickly, turning back towards Castle Lachlan and riding towards his future, towards his new bride.

Aindreas felt overjoyed. Blair was the laird’s daughter. She had his blood running through her, which meant that he could claim the lairdship if they married.

All his problems were solved.

They could be together.

The gates opened, yet they weren’t fast enough. His hands trembled with need, desiring to tell Blair all the good news as soon as he saw her. Quickly, he rode into the courtyard, handing his horse to the stable master before briskly walking into the keep. The great hall was empty given how the lateness of the night. He bounded up the staircase, expecting her to be waiting in his quarters. His smile widened as he approached her door, knocking lightly at it.

“Blair,” he called sweetly, unable to hide the joy in his voice.

There was no answer.

His brow furrowed, and he pounded against it once more. “Blair?”

Still, there was no answer. He looked around briefly, wondering if any servants and their prying gazes would be nearby. Finding no one, he opened the door and peeked inside, wondering if she was simply sleeping.

But she wasn’t there.