Chapter Seventeen


Aindreas couldn’t stop touching her as they rode. He couldn’t believe he had finally confessed his desires to Blair and that she readily accepted them. His hands stroked her thighs. His mouth kissed her neck. She tilted her head to the side, offering more of herself to him, and he couldn’t help but press his mouth against her sensitive nape. Her hisses and gasps spurred him on. His entire body tingled with need, and he was tempted to throw caution to the wind and take her there and now on the side of the dirt path.

But he wouldn’t.

He shivered, feeling fear crawl within his heart while recalling the brigands towering above her, the terror in her gaze. He would never let her feel that fear again. She would never need to worry with him by her side. Blair deserved all the kindness in the world, and he would treat her tenderly.

He would wait until they were back at the castle. His whole body trembled at the thought of taking her back to his rooms, pressing her up against the door, and finally sinking his body into hers. He still remembered her lips pressed against his. Thinking of it, he stopped his horse.

“Aindreas,” she whispered, turning towards him.

He grabbed her chin, claiming her mouth with his once more. His tongue grazed her bottom lip, and she gasped, opening herself to him. He entered her, his tongue flicking against hers while his arms tightened around her. Her tongue hesitantly grazed his, and he growled low in his throat, pulling away from her before he lost complete control. She sighed, her head lolling against his shoulder, and he kissed her throat, enjoying her soft moans in reply.

Aindreas flicked the reins, this time focusing on returning safely to the castle. They rounded a corner, Castle Lachlan’s walls coming into view. He straightened his back, his hold on her loosened. Blair copied his movements, making him miss her touch the moment she drew away from him.

Lanterns were lit, lighting the gate and the several men standing watch on the battlements. Aindreas swallowed, focusing his attentions forward and not on the woman in his arms. He fought his body’s demands to touch her, knowing he shouldn’t create anymore gossip for the servants and soldiers to enjoy.

The gate went up at a snail’s pace. Aindreas ground his teeth in impatience, his body tingling with desire. Soon, he told himself. He urged his horse forward as soon as the gates were up, his mount trotting into the courtyard where the master of stables was waiting.

“Good evening, sir,” the master said cheerfully.

Aindreas grunted in response, jumping down before turning to Blair with outstretched arms. She clutched onto him while he slowly lowered her, his breath hitching as those emerald eyes caught his stare. Her body slid against his, and he knew it wouldn’t be much longer. Without looking away from her, he handed the master of stables the reins before grabbing Blair’s wrist and tugging her towards the castle.

Pushing open the doors, he didn’t know where was best to take her. His quarters? Hers? He was like a man possessed. His ears still tingled as he recalled her soft moans and gasps. He didn’t know how much longer he could wait. His feet took him past the great hall, ignoring the laugher of men and women and the clanging of cups. He frowned, wondering briefly why the great hall was so busy at this time, yet it didn’t matter.

All that mattered now was getting Blair behind closed doors and her garments off her body. He needed to move quickly, so no one saw them. His gaze focused on the staircase ahead, knowing from where they were, Blair’s rooms were closer. His whole body quivered as he imagined himself on Blair’s bed, in her arms, buried between her legs, her moans for more whispering against his ear.

“Aindreas, wait,” he heard Blair’s harsh whisper.

Turning on his heel, he faced her, pulling her close to him. The great hall doors bounded open, and he hid Blair’s body with his own, pushing her into the stone walls and hoping no one would take notice of them.

Blair’s chest heaved, her eyes wide with both shock and worry, yet her lips lifted into a soft smile. Her hood fell away, and Aindreas’s breath hitched as those eyes beckoned him forward. He lowered his gaze, taking in the wooden clasp of her hood, her breasts slight movements as she breathed. His member twitched as he imagined himself kissing her ample curves. When he lifted his eyes, his heart fluttered, finding pure joy gleaming as she stared up at him, her hand sliding from his and running up his front.

She stroked his jaw with the back of her fingers, her knuckles grazing against his ear. He leaned into her touch. His heart pounded so hard it was near to bursting. His knee pressed against her core, knowing just the right way to touch her. Her mouth gaped open in surprise, her breath coming out in a rush.

“What is it?” he whispered while grabbing her hand and pressing it against his cheek. He moved his knee again, and she gasped, her thighs clenching around him to keep him from moving away.

Blair chuckled softly. It was the most beautiful sound, reminding him of angels singing. Her smile was exquisite, her voice making his heart flutter, and he didn’t think he could ever grow tired of it. A soft blush rose in her cheeks, making her appear even more lovely.

“Yer beautiful,” she breathed, leaning up on her tiptoes and nuzzling her nose against his. His breathing all but stopped as he watched her, not knowing how much longer he could keep himself contained when she was tempting him. “Just like a prince from a fairytale. Is this a dream? Is this truly happening?”

Aindreas shook his head, swallowing the lump in his throat. He was having difficulty speaking as his gaze dipped to her still swollen lips, swollen from his kisses. The thought made him twitch, and his hold on her tightened. “Nae, this is nae dream.” His head lowered, his mouth a breath from hers. “‘Tis real.”

“Master Aindreas.”

Aindreas stilled at the familiar voice. Glancing over his shoulder, he scowled at Marcus, shifting from foot to foot while he stared at Aindreas with a worried expression marring his face. His fingers picked at one another while he quickly looked around as if the soldier had no idea what to do with himself.

“Aindreas,” Marcus said again, taking a step forward while looking around once more.

“Spit it out, Marcus. Otherwise, I am busy.” Aindreas turned back to Blair, a smirk on his lips while he lowered himself once more, wishing to claim her lips before sending the soldier away.

“The Cambels are here.”

Aindreas’s eyes widened. His heart stopped. All time seemed to stop as he stared down at Blair. The Cambels had already arrived. They were at least three days earlier than he had initially expected, which meant they hadn’t run into any trouble on the road—no highwaymen to battle, nor MacAlisters to concern themselves with.

He should be happy.