Blair fought another grimace. She opened her mouth, not knowing what to say of the laird’s sister-in-law. The lady hadn’t introduced her to the servants, nor had she cared for Blair at all. Her only meeting since the first couple of days had been this morn.

“Well,” she started, still struggling with words. “She has been—“

Blair stopped when she noticed the laird’s gaze narrowing on her dress. He held his cup close to his mouth yet didn’t take another sip as he said, “I see that yer in need of new clothes.”

Blair lowered her gaze, staring down at the green dress she had chosen in the morning. The gown was her favorite since it brought out her eyes. It didn’t fit perfectly since the hem was slightly too short and the waist was too big, but it was clean and eloquently made. It was the nicest garment she had ever owned.

“Nae, my laird,” she said while shaking her head. “The maids have given me clothes. There is nae need to—“

“Ye should go to the tailor in town and have some dresses made for ye.” The laird took a sip of his tea and nodded to himself.

“That is too kind, my laird.” Blair frowned at the floor, suddenly feeling very conscious of her person. He had already provided her with a home, food, and an education. Having clothes tailor-made for her was too much. “Truly, my laird, I am happy with what has been given to me. Not to mention, I have my duties with Tavis to see to. Ye shouldn’t waste yer—“

“‘Tis not a waste, Child.” Blair lifted her gaze when she heard the laird’s soft chuckle. He stared at her with adoration on his face, which confused her. She didn’t know why he cared for her when she was nothing but a simple peasant girl. “I’m sure missing a day of studies won’t set ye back. Ye seem to have a knack for healing, and as ye can see,” the laird gestured to himself, “I am well today.”

A knock rapped at the door, and Blair turned, watching a maid enter. Blair frowned, recognizing her as the one who had scrubbed her skin raw on the first day she had come to Castle Lachlan. Since that time, the maid had often whispered with the others when Blair walked past. She didn’t know what the maid spoke of her, but her giggles taunted her in the corridors.

Now, she glanced between Blair and the laird for a brief moment with a conspiratorial smile on her face that made Blair uneasy. She wondered what ill things she would say to the maids later that day. Based on what Aindreas had spoken of her, thinking she was his father’s mistress, perhaps the maids assumed the same.

Blair watched her grab the platter of cups and plates while curtsying and saying, “My laird.”

“Fetch my sister-in-law for me, will ye,” said the laird while stroking his beard. “Tell her it’s urgent.”

Blair straightened, her stomach already churning, thinking of being in the same room as Alisa. She didn’t think she would be around the lady again after speaking with her in the morning.

“Yes, my laird,” said the maid with another curtsy.

“Really, ye shouldn’t—“ Blair paused and watched the maid turn on her heel, swiftly gliding out of the room to do the laird’s bidding.

Blair fidgeted with her fingers, picking at the cuticles while she shifted her weight from foot to foot. Her teeth gnawed at her bottom lip while she wondered what Alisa would say or do. The lady probably had many duties to tend to. Helping Blair choose colors for a dress wasn’t one of them.

“I must and I will,” said the laird. “Ye have helped me in so many ways as it is, Blair.”

“I’ve hardly done anything.”

The laird took her hand and gave her a gentle pat. “Trust me, ye have.”

“Yer too kind,” she whispered as she waited for the lady to appear. “Why are ye so kind?”

The laird chuckled and leaned back in his chair. “I wouldn’t want ye wearing anything that doesn’t fit ye right. And besides, ye should have something nice to wear when ye meet yer potential husband.”

Blair’s face flushed, and she bobbed her head up and down, not knowing what else to say.

The door opened, and she watched Alisa gracefully step inside the laird’s quarters. Her shrewd gaze held Blair’s while her chin lifted. “Yes, my laird?” she asked, her tone stern yet respectful.

“I would like for ye to accompany Blair to town today. She requires some new dresses.”

Blair grimaced under Alisa’s scrutiny. “I wouldn’t want to be a bother,” she said quickly. “Perhaps I could go on my own.”

“Nonsense,” said the laird. “Ye’ve never been to town before, and Alisa can care for ye. She knows the tailor well.” The laird gripped the armrests, pressing his body slowly upwards. “Ye can care for Blair, right Alisa?”

Alisa smiled, yet there was no kindness in her gaze as she stared at Blair. “Of course, my laird.” Her head tilted to the side. “I shall ask Marcus to accompany our carriage. I’m sure he—“


Blair flinched, her heart pounding in her ears while her hands trembled, knowing the name she wished the laird wouldn’t speak.

“Ye will ask Aindreas.”