Daniel chuckled, rubbing the back of his head while he shifted his gaze to the ground. The cobblestones disappeared into a dirt path as they continued around the garden, making their way towards the bench resting underneath a large tree.

“I didn’t have the heart to tell Tavis,” she said teasingly. “He would’ve been so heartbroken if he had known the truth.”

Daniel nodded. “I suppose yer right. Perhaps I can try again.” There was a question in his eyes as he stared at her.

Blair smiled and nodded. “Perhaps.”

They continued walking through the garden, circling around the flowers and returning back through the hall. They climbed the staircase towards the battlements. Blair smiled, turning her face towards the sun and enjoying the warmth while she continued walking arm-in-arm with Daniel. She could hear men sparring below, hear the clanging of swords ringing out around them.

Blair opened her eyes, turning her gaze towards the sound. Her heart halted in her chest. Her breath stilled. She leaned against the wall, her hands bracing herself against a fall while she watched the men below her.

“They’re practicing their drills,” said Daniel, standing next to her.

Yet, all thoughts of Daniel and his kindness dissipated as her gaze focused on the half-naked man swinging his sword. His skin was golden. The sun lit his hair, casting an angelic glow above him as he kicked and swung. His muscles flexed and extended with his movements, and she felt a warm pit form in her belly as she watched him move.

Aindreas MacBean was indeed the most beautiful creature she had ever gazed upon. Watching him now, she once again noticed how different he was compared to his family. Even compared to his father, he appeared more golden, whereas the laird was more pallid. She wondered if it was due to their age difference, but where Aindreas had eyes of the clearest blue pools, the laird had green orbs reminding her of the meadows, reminding her of something else, yet she couldn’t quite place her finger on it. Where Aindreas was taller, broader, the laird was grey and freckled. She wondered if Aindreas took after his mother, yet if Lady Alisa was the laird’s sister-in-law, then the late Lady MacBean must have also been lithe and pallid, not golden like a prince from a fairytale.

Aindreas was a creature of his own making.

With one final swing, the soldier’s sword fell from his hands. He barreled towards it, yet before he could grab the weapon, Aindreas had the tip of his blade pointed at his throat.

“Do ye concede?” she heard him shout, his voice commanding.

She watched the soldier nod, watched Aindreas pick up the sword by its hilt, handing it back to his opponent. He sheathed his sword, and she watched him look around for a new adversary before turning his gaze upwards.

Blair gasped as his gaze met hers, wanting to look away but unable to. His blue eyes had her pinioned. Her heart fluttered in her chest while his devilish lips tilted into a wicked smirk. He bowed low, mockingly and Blair frowned, turning on her heel and stalking back from whence she came.

“Miss Blair!” Daniel called from behind, but she didn’t stop. She needed to be as far away from Aindreas as she could possibly get.

How could she be so attracted to a rude, impossible man?

“Miss Blair?”

She felt Daniel’s hand on her shoulder and stopped. Inhaling deeply, she forced a smile while she turned around. She knew she was being rude. Daniel didn’t deserve this from her. He was sweet and kind.

“I’m so sorry, Daniel,” she said, her smile feeling more like a grimace. “But I must get back to Tavis. I’ve already taken up so much of yer time.”

Daniel shook his head. “It has been no inconvenience. May I—“

Blair dropped into an abrupt curtsy. “Excuse me. I must be alone now.”

Without waiting for a response, she briskly rushed down the hall, covering her reddening face with a hand.

* * *

Blair scowled at the ceiling. She had been tossing and turning for several hours now, trying to get at least a bit of sleep, but she couldn’t get the images of Aindreas out of her mind. She kept seeing him swinging the sword, the sweat dripping off his naked chest, his powerful muscles rippling with the force as he wielded the sword.

She bit her bottom lip, her brows tenting while she tried to force the thoughts away. When they refused to leave, she grabbed her blankets, threw them off her, and swung her legs over. She slipped on her shoes and grabbed her shawl, resting the fabric on her shoulders before lighting the candle resting at her bedside.

If she couldn’t get any sleep, she might as well have a walk in the garden to clear her mind. Perhaps, she could find the lavender Tavis had been so excited about. Maybe she could make a tea from the herbs and finally have her rest.

She padded quietly through the halls, ignoring the shadows playing against the stone. The castle was eerie at night, with only the sounds of snoring servants keeping her company. Her hand skimmed the wall as she walked down the staircase, careful not to trip over any upturned stones. She followed the halls until she found herself opening the door to the garden and heaved a sigh of relief, happy to know she didn’t get lost on her journey.

The door creaked closed, and she grimaced, hoping she hadn’t woken or alarmed anyone with the sound. Crickets chirped while the stars twinkled above her. She clutched her shawl, holding the candle out while stepping over roots and flowers growing along the dirt path towards the bench she had seen earlier on her walk with Daniel.

She paused.

There was someone in the garden, sitting on the bench.