“I’m na tired,” Nimue said. “And I willna be goin’ anywhere with ye.”

“We’ll see about that in a few hours.”

Wentworth sounded so confident that it drove Nimue crazy. Her blood was pulsing through her veins, her anger bubbling over until it formed a groan at the back of her throat, one that she had to swallow. Between Wentworth and her father, she didn’t know which one she preferred, but she marched back into the tent once more, hoping that at least her father would stay quiet.

“Nimue—” her father said as she walked in, but she was quick to interrupt him.

“Whatever it is that ye wish to say to me, dinna say it,” she said. “I dinna wish to hear it. I can only hope that me clansmen will come lookin’ for me before Wentworth takes us too far, and if ye’re smart, then ye’ll pray for the same thing. Wentworth doesna care about me or ye, about any of us. He would burn down our entire clan on a whim if it so pleased him, and ye ken that. If ye kent what’s best for our people, then ye would be sidin’ with Scotland.”

“I ken what’s best for our people,” her father said. “What’s best for our people is to na be destroyed in this war. Our clan is one of the first in their path, dinna ye see? We would be the first ones they would attack.”

“Aye,” Nimue said. “It would start with us, and it could end with us. All of Scotland would come to our aid. But ye dinna see that.”

“It’s better to na make enemies of the English at all,” her father insisted.

Nimue didn’t bother replying to him. It was a conversation that they had had multiple times before, and it had always ended the same way, with her father saying that he was the Laird and that his word was final. She didn’t want to hear anything else, and so she sat in the corner of the tent, wrapping her arms around her knees and sitting in silence. Her only solace was the thought of Chrisdean coming to her.

Come find me, Chrisdean. Please, come find me.