Nora and Amelia stood before theirfather.

Neither of them dared to say anything. If their meddling butler had informed theirfather of Nora'sdisobedience meremoments after his warning, his rage would have no bounds.

Nora was certain that her sister was even more terrified than she was. For the umpteenth time, she was relieved that Amelia was unaware of herdisobedience; hoping their father wouldnotice and not punish her.

“Amelia,” Lord Turner called without looking up.

“Yes, Father?” Amelia squeaked.

He looked up to her, his disapproval evident in his eyes. “Mind your tone! You will address me with respect.”

“Yes, Father,” she replied in a smaller voice.

Nora gave in to the urge to bite back. “She’s only nervous, Father. You must forgive her.”

“’Must’ is not a word you may utter to me.” His eyes shifted between the two. “Go and prepare yourselves. You are to be wed tomorrow. Both of you.”

“Pardon, Father?” Nora asked, unsure if she heard correctly.

“What did you say?” Amelia’s shaky voice echoed.

“You heard me.”

“But married?” Nora gasped. “To whom?” Her heart beat heavily in her chest as she struggled to come to terms with what had been said.

Married? Married? Just like that?

“You will be married to…” their father picked up a letter, “Lord Bennet, and you,” he pointed at Amelia, “will be married to Jonan McKay.”

Nora turned pale and looked at Amelia, who wasstruggling to breathe. She returned her gaze to her father and asked the dreaded question. "Are you referring to Jonan McKay, the brutishHighlander?"

Her father only sighed in frustration, annoyed bytheir interrogation.

Marriage… leaving Amelia… having a husband.

“Yes. You wed tomorrow. Prepare.”

Theyfled to their shared chambers, unable to speak. Nora closed the door and leaned against it for support. Her eyes were wet with tears as she looked at her sister.

“I don’t want to be married to a Highlander…” Amelia sobbed, throwing herself in Nora’s arms.

“Oh, please don’t cry, Amelia,” Nora begged as her own eyes began to water. “Don’t cry! I can fix this.”

“What? How? Our only chance is to run away…” Amelia’s large eyes grew even wider with fear.

“Shhh! Amelia! You can’t say that. If Henry hears…”

“I'm sorry, Nora... But we both know Jonan McKay is a renowned beast! So say all the English ladies here. Marrying him is the equivalent of signing my own death warrant. There is naught we can do,” Amelia said with a sigh of despair.

Jonan McKay was well-known. Nora had heard about him through Naomi. A man does not go unnoticed when he defeats a wild boar with a broken hand. He was said to have ruled firmly for years, scaring many surrounding clans into submission. Then he lost his wife.

Nora had started pacing around the room before she realized it; the Scottish lord was sureto kill Amelia. And shewould not let anything happen to her sister.

Slowly, a plan began to form.

What if I can stop her from marrying the brute?