Amelia gave a deep sigh. “Yes, Amelia.”

Nora grinned, “Good, Nora,” and headed for the washroom.

Her washwas quick. She usually enjoyed her baths, but she despised the thought of dressing up for a brute. Nora refused to consider the implications of her actions, of her decision to take her sister's place. What mattered was that Amelia would be safe.

Nora then went into Amelia's closet. She was tempted to put on her sister's only black gown. She might have dared to if she could keep being Nora. But she was now Amelia, and Amelia was no rebel. She put on a pink day gown and tied a pink ribbon around her curls.

She then sat on her bed, like a sheep awaiting slaughter.

“When do you think they’ll be here?” Amelia asked as it approached midday.

“Never, I hope.” They sighed together.

There was a knock at the door.

“Lady Amelia, Lady Nora. Your father has sent for you,” said Henry.

“They must be here!” Amelia said.

“Or not… come!”

Nora hurried totheirfather's study, followed by her sister, and knocked twice on the large door. Shecould feel her legs trembling but did everything she could to hide it. Amelia would crumble if she faltered. She needed to be strong for both of them.

“Nora, Amelia. I see you are dressed for your new homes.” Their father’s words were cold and emotionless.

Nora noticed that he was dressed up in his finest jacket, which he only wore on special occasions. She realized at that point that the worst day of her life was bringing her father joy. Her heart clenched, and she wondered what she had done wrong to lose her mother while also having a father who hated her.

“Yes, Father,” Nora said staring at the wall, her voice cold and empty.

“Yes, Father.” Amelia’s voice was strong. Good, her sister wasn’t showing despair.

“Your husbands will be on our grounds soon enough. Nora?” Lord Turner asked. His gaze settled on the marriage documents in front of him.

Instinctively, Nora tried to reply, but she caught herself just in time.

“Yes, Father?” Amelia responded.

“Could you not wear a more feminine color than blue today?”

“I… I am sorry, Father. I’ll wear a pink dress from Amelia’s trunk.”

“Trunk?” Lord Turner exclaimed. “What trunk?”

“We’re packed.”

“I don’t believe I instructed you to pack. Your husbands are responsible for you now. You may take with you the clothes on your back but nothing more.”

Nora's chest was punctured by pain. She never imagined her father would be so cruel as to deny them the last vestiges of their memories of each other.

“You don’t need our clothes! Why can we not take them with us?” Nora’s question came barreling out of her before she could stop herself.

Lord Turner looked over with flashing eyes. “It is a good thing you will soon no longer be my responsibility, Amelia.”

“Father—” Amelia tried to cut in, but he stopped her dismissively.

“Henry!” their father bellowed. The door opened, and the butler hurried in. “Escort them to their chambers and make certain you retrieve every last item they own that my coin paid for.”

Henry grinned, satisfied. “Yes, sir.”