Nora trailed behind Amelia and Henry, almost dazed. What was their father's motivation for being so cruel to them? Was he really going to marry them off with nothing? Was he really going to take everything they had?

The sistersstood motionless as Henry grabbed both trunks and exited their chambers with irksome excitement.

“If I ever doubted that he hated us, I no longer do,” Amelia said, her eyes glistening with tears.

“He says we killed Mother,” Nora stated, numbly.

“He says rubbish like that all the time! Does he not understand how hard it has been to grow up without a mother? We relied on the maids for all which a woman was to know. Oh, why must he punish us to our graves?”

“Amelia, you mustn’t cry. The lords will be here in a minute. We don’t want them to have any reasons to distrust us, or Father will be upset.”

“Suddenly, marriage does not seem as terrible as it did yesterday. I never would have imagined that—”

“Amelia! Let us not talk of that now,” Nora said to her sharply. “Very soon, we will be parted. How I wish I could follow you to keep you safe! But you are my other half, and I know you understand just how much you mean to me. You are Nora, tough and strong. Remember that! Do not let Father see you cry!”

Amelia nodded and wiped her eyes.

Nora smiled but pain wrecked her. “You must not let anything happen to you, Amelia. I will not survive it.” Her voice was grave and deep. “Take care of yourself as I would have. Please… it is all I ask.”

“And what about you?”

“I will not have a single hair missing from my head. So you must stay at the Bennet mansion. Lord Bennet is not a rogue. I can find you if I know you will always be there.”

Amelia nodded. “Nora, what about you? You must promise me you will look after yourself, dearest sister!”

“I promise.”

For what felt like the last time, the sisters hugged in one painfully emotional embrace.

All too soon, there was another knock on the door.

“Lady Amelia, Lady Nora. Your husbands have arrived.”