“You had fun, agapimeno mou?” I murmured.
“So much fun. I even liked shopping!”
I pretended to faint, and he grabbed me and laughed. I looked up to see Vander smiling tenderly at us. The pleasure of that look hit my gut and I looked down, unable to bear the full force of the sweetness.
“What did you shop for?”
“Bedding and posters for my room at… uh… the other house.”
Suddenly light-headed, I sank back down to the step. “That’s great!” I said with false enthusiasm.
Vander frowned.
“What kind of bedding did you get? What kind of posters?”
“Blue, all blue, and the posters are Minecraft and Star Wars,” he answered, then went on to detail the posters he got and where he planned on hanging them in his room.
I nodded. “Sounds good, agapi mou. You have homework?”
“A bit, yeah. I’ll go get it done before Alex gets here.” He turned to Amber and gave her a kiss on her cheek. “Hi, Thia. When is Alex going to be here?”
“In an hour, glykouli mou.”
Jace went into the house, and I looked pointedly away from Vander.
“Ruby?” He ventured.
I held up a hand. “Give me a minute. I’m trying to process.”
“Can I help you?” He ventured.
I turned and gave the steamroller a scathing look. “How exactly are you going to help me?”
Amber stood, kissed Vander’s cheek, lightly scratched the top of my head, and went inside without a word.
He sat down beside me and sighed. “I’ve made no secret of the fact that I want to be a family, that I want you and Jace to move in with me, but this was not about that.”
“Then what was it?” I bit out.
“Have you seen George’s room? It’s the only room in the house with any personality, the only room I put any effort into. Jace needs a room at my place, hopefully it’ll be our place, but either way, he needs his own space. I needed to show him he has a place with me.”
I deflated completely. “Oh.”
“Oh, as in, okay?”
I side-eyed him and twisted my lips. “Yeah. Oh, as in okay.”
He put his arm around me. “Can I have a kiss and hug hello?”
I leaned into him, and he chuckled. “That’s better. You scared me.”
I raised my eyebrows. “I scared you?”
He snorted. “Fuck, yeah. You think I want to do anything to piss you off or scare you away?”
It hit me in that moment that he felt as insecure as I did with our new but old relationship.
I melted against him. “I’m not going anywhere, Vander. I promise you.”