“My mom got sick, so I never got to graduate college. I dropped out to get a refund for what was left of the semester so I could take care of her. Started working here to make more money,” I said. My heart gave a slight twinge. “She passed away a year later and I never got to graduate.”

“I’m sorry.” He sounded sincere.

Tears started prickling at my eyes, and before I knew what was happening, he was coming around the counter with a handkerchief from his pocket.

“God, this is silk, I can’t wipe my face with this!” I laughed while crying. It felt ridiculous and silly and helped pull me out of my ache.

“It’s fine.”

He helped me wipe my eyes, and I felt like I was shaking.

Who the hell was this man?

My eyes dried, and he leaned down close to me. I thought he was going to kiss me, but instead he tucked the tissue into the front of my apron for later.

“I want to see you when you get off work,” he murmured. “Is there somewhere you’d like to eat?”

I laughed and motioned to the bakery.

“Let me cook for you, I have a great kitchen at my apartment.” After I said it, I realized how foolish I was being.

“You shouldn’t invite strangers to your home.” His voice had an almost possessive tone, like he was worried I’d done this before.

“I don’t think you’ll give me any trouble; your suit jacket is probably worth more than anything I own,” I confessed with a laugh.

“You should think about yourself.” He sounded a little more disgruntled. “You’re worth more than the things you own.” Leaning down, he actually kissed me this time—on the lips. I kissed him back without thinking about it, and within seconds a kiss that started out soft was becoming passionate and needy.

I needed all of him.

Pushing me back, pinning me against the back door of the bakery, he took control and kissed me like I was the real dessert here. I gave in so easily, so readily. Lerin was sexy as hell, and his lips and tongue moved against mine until I was breathless and weak.

One of his hands slid up my thigh, moving my apron aside and teasing at the hem of my dress.

God, he could be in me so easily.

I could just give in.

We could…

A car turned down the road blaring music, and it brought me back to my senses.

“I’m at work,” I gasped. Pushing him back, I straightened out my clothes and hair. “And you’re a stranger.” I couldn’t stop the laugh bubbling out of me at the whole situation.

He chuckled too; his face flushed with a little color.

“When do your coworkers come in?”

“That’s not the point!” Fixing my apron, I grabbed a couple of tarts for him and shoved them in a box. “Here.”

He smiled again, clearly amused, and accepted the box. “Am I still invited for lunch?”

My face went poker hot. “Stop by here after ten.”

If I couldn’t control myself around him in a public place like this, how the hell was I going to hold back once I got him into my apartment?