Passing from ground to air with barely a push, I flew up into the bright midday sky. The sun sprinkled warm kisses over my ice-blue wings. I loved flying on clear days like this; I could almost blend in with the surrounding sky.

I rose slowly, being patient as I made sure not to knock her off my back. For her merit, Olive wasn’t clinging to me like she was scared. Her hands were flat on my neck, warm and trusting. I breathed out a wisp of icy air and floated on the thermals of heat rising from the city.

“Wow,” I heard her gasp.

My heartbeat ran a little faster, and I dipped closer to the city. Reactions were fun, ranging from shock to horror, as people stopped in the street to watch us. I wasn’t usually one for attention, but in some way, it felt like I was showing her off instead.

I’d only known her for half a day, but she was mine.

After one more circuit of the city, I finally made my way back to her yard.

She clung to me as we descended, seemingly not scared until the moment the Earth started coming back up to us, at which point she let out a gasp. Admittedly, I shouldn’t have slowed so abruptly.

She was breathless as we landed. I tilted for her to slide off before shifting back to my human form. As I tugged on my underwear and pants, wishing I didn’t have to, she threw her arms around me.

“That was amazing!”

I laughed with her, glad she enjoyed herself.

“You’re an ice dragon,” she managed to say between lungfuls of air.

“Yeah, the red hair throws people off,” I said, laughing sheepishly.

She kissed me, and I kissed her back, fully smiling now. This was the most I’d smiled throughout the entire twenty-five years of my life. I never felt this lighthearted, this ready to just enjoy myself. Our lips mingled in laughter, and as we broke apart from the kiss, I pressed my forehead against hers.

I wanted to tell her at that moment.

Everything about the kingdom, everything about who I was. But the thought still loitered in the back of my mind. If she knew why I was here, she might assume I didn’t feel anything for her.

Feelings had come on fast and hard, though.

There was so much more than just the physical.

I cared about her.

Somehow this seemed worse than if she had turned out bad. I was going to have to make sure she was by my side no matter what.

At least the kingdom would be happy.